Love ft Sodas

Love ft Sodas

19 2 5

What started as a fake scenario I made in my head in an attempt to fall asleep on one of my many insomnia-y nights, turned into a full-fledged novel.~Luna Smith, along with her mother and siblings, just moved away from snowy Toronto after her parents' messy divorce. They ended up moving to a city that sounds like the fusion of pizza and a burger. That meant that she would no longer be attending her dream school- The University of Toronto -with her best friend Diane.Thanks to her stellar grades, she was able to land herself a scholarship to a private university whose name she could barely pronounce. Amidst being upset about the divorce drama and the sudden move, she was expected to adapt to not only a new school but a new environment, one in which she knew no one.She tries to be optimistic and decides to make the most of it, due to her pressing love for her major- Musical Theatre.She first encounters Mac in the Seven-Eleven in her neighborhood. He's a quiet, artist teenager covered in tattoos with shoulder-length wavy hair. He has a beautiful face which really intrigues Luna. The two continue to "bump" into each other at the store and share a common love for grape sodas.Nick Mellon. He's the only and youngest son of the president of a private university; the university that just so happens to be the one Luna attends. Shocker! 6ft1, popular, with a mess of curly brown hair, filled with narcissistic remarks and dazzling grins; he's the least likely person to befriend Luna. But he does.Luna soon realizes that her fairytale dream of studying this major is not at all what she expects it to be. Encountering a college "queen bee" who never gives up the stage to others, and cold shoulders from the rest of the class, she evidently sticks out like a sore thumb.Luna finds herself in the middle of auditions, lavish parties, an elite club, many secrets, performances, envy, and a love triangle.Word Count 📝: 163,380.…

Taming the Master

Taming the Master

10,832 435 22

A certain Charlie Chadwick, billionaire businessman and sole heir to the number one business in London, is known for his arrogance and cold attitude toward his workers and business partners. All of his workers are known to walk on eggshells around him, until she comes along.Louise is a young adult who lives with her single mother. She graduated high school last year and has been looking for ways to make some cash to assist her mother and hopefully save up to go to college. She eventually takes up a job as a maid and not just any maid- his maid. She soon figures out that it was a big mistake. Or was it?She doesn't back down and isn't afraid to voice her opinions on matters that aren't reasonable. She's quite a hot-tempered one and has never been one to falter or be walked over and not even this boss can change that. Between tolerating an overbearing boss and urgently needing some money, will she tame the master? *"I hate your outfit."This book is a rollercoaster to say the least. Thank you all for reading my book and liking it as it is<3🥇 Redhead 31/10/22🥇 Tame 06/01/23🥈 Poverty 14/03/23🥈Louise 04/03/23…

Life of Allison {Completed}

Life of Allison {Completed}

1,193 273 26

This is the story of a rich actress Allison White. It tells her sad stories, happy moments and basically everything about her life; her living nightmare Mason and her newfound love Sean. Is her life really picture perfect? Click to explore the Life of AllisonTotal Word Count : 38487…

Made of Glass

Made of Glass

134 39 36

Lola Shane, 15 and in her last year of middle school. Her biggest worry was picking out the car she wanted for her 16th birthday. From having sleepovers with her besties almost every Friday, and complaining about long school hours, to living on the cold streets of New York, barely human.It wasn't always this way. On her way back from school one rainy day, she stumbled upon a puddle; a puddle that shone bright light. Going home frightened about what she had seen, she pushes it aside and blames her tiredness from the school day. It wasn't until she saw her images in picture frames, disappearing, that the earlier panic resurfaced. Coupled with her parents somehow not seeing and talking to her, she was sure something was wrong. She tries holding onto them but her hands go right through their shoulders.While in denial, she is sure that she was dreaming but soon realizes it was her reality. Lola is in despair and feels like all hope is lost until she revisits the puddle. There she sees a riddle being written in the water and memorizes it.Three years later, she'd been managing to get by being unnoticed by the world and being ghost-like. So it's no surprise when she freezes in panic as black-haired, blue-eyed Tyler leans down to her crouched position and speaks to her.Will this boy be the clue to understanding the phenomenon that changed her life? And will the two of them be able to crack the riddle and get back Lola's old life? Will Lola meet the person that destroyed her once peaceful life?Word Count📝: 132,431.…

Outside The Midnight Hour

Outside The Midnight Hour

9 1 1

Ella- dainty Queen by day, strong superhero by night. Far The land of Far Far away has for years now been invaded by a terrifying gang. All forms of crime have been on the rise and Ella along with her intelligent fairy godmother, have been trying to track down the mastermind. Finally, after 5 years, they seem to have found him. But it seems the villain behind it all was after something much more darker.Will Ella manage to place him behind bars and bring an end to all the havoc?…

Pirates: Lana and the Mystic World

Pirates: Lana and the Mystic World

156 31 15

Captain Lana, the only female captain on the seas, goes in search of a sacred treasure but is in for a surprise when she's pulled into a magical world.*Lana is a pirate who loves Lady Gilda- her ship, more than anyone and anything in the world. She became a pirate at a young age and sailed the seas in search of a certain treasure.10 years in, she hasn't made a headway. One day when she heads into town to purchase goods for her ship, she comes across an old lady. Lana ends up getting a map that directs her to the treasure but the journey is far from a smooth sail. At last, she arrives at the location but nothing seems to be there. She unintentionally ventures into a mystic world with seas like never before seen, pirates she has never met, and a certain Captain Alistair.Will she be able to find the treasure in this other world? And will she finally break free from her past? How did she rise to fame as Captain Lana?Keep reading to find out.Disclaimer: This is a pirate book which means lots of violence, killings and blood. If this triggers or makes you uncomfortable in any way, I suggest you don't read it.…

A Flight Away

A Flight Away

479 41 16

Modern-day Prince meets travel influencer girl in this Royal Romance Story.Prince Louis, the next in line to the throne of Belgium is being sent to Italy for a party with other royals. At the same time Kaitlyn heads to that same destination. Her dad is a pilot so she follows him on most of the trips he embarks on, hoping to explore the world. When Prince Louis first encounters Kaitlyn, he doesn't think much of it. But when fate keeps bringing them together with coincidental meetings, it didn't take long for his feelings to blossom.What happens when the soon-to-be King and the carefree girl end up escaping from that party, then end up getting soaked in the Aniene river and eventually making a promise they can't keep? Would she abandon her dream for him? And would he give up his royal responsibilities for her? Also, it seems someone is secretly trying to get rid of Louis. Who could it be? And what is their intention for plotting behind him?"It's you again..." We voiced in unison."Well, this trip just got less boring." He said with a smirk.…