Always Doesn't Mean Forever: Book 3(Severus Snape/student)

Always Doesn't Mean Forever: Book 3(Severus Snape/student)

64,193 2,580 20

TW: seriously this story contains a little bit of everything that may trigger you. Idk I was in a dark place.Alex has just been through the worst two years of her life. She knows nothing but lies, betrayal, and heart break. This time will be different though. Follow Alex through her journey as she decides to not let her depression control her life again and seeks to avenge her Grandfather and her broken heart. Along the way Alex discovers things about herself and others she'd never imagined possible. Her powers grow. Voldemort is tired of chasing her. The entire Wizarding World is at stake.โ€ฆ

Always Doesn't Mean Forever: Book 2 (Severus Snape/student)

Always Doesn't Mean Forever: Book 2 (Severus Snape/student)

135,075 4,727 22

TW: seriously this story contains a little bit of everything that may trigger you. Idk I was in a dark place.Alex is back. A new year and a new adventure. As the witch returns to Hogwarts she begins to see the changes. The Wizarding World isn't the same. With Voldemort on the rise she has to be alert at every turn. Every day he grows stronger which means trouble for Alex. Not only that, but Severus is more on edge than ever. What will become of Alex and Severus's relationship as the year passes? Continue your journey with Alex as she fights the hardest battle yet. A battle to save the people she holds dearest.โ€ฆ

Always Doesn't Mean Forever: Book 1 (Severus Snape/student)

Always Doesn't Mean Forever: Book 1 (Severus Snape/student)

270,698 8,420 23

TW: listen, I wrote this when I was 15 years old. I don't remember what's in half of it, nor do I really want to. ๐Ÿ˜… It's not well written. It's crude, immature, and above all- a cry for help. The only reason I haven't archived it is because writing this story helped me disassociate for many years. It is what kept me going and while I don't really remember it's contents I do know I poured all of my personal trauma into it depending on my mood which was- well I'm on mood stabilizers now. ๐Ÿ˜… Anyway it was the only thing I really had in life for a long time. I guess I'm still weirdly holding onto as a piece of me. Like my own little horcrux. That being said I do remember this can be just outright horrific. TW TW TW TW TW for literally everything. I don't know how else to put it. If you have a major trigger it's more than likely in this series and I didn't know what a trigger warning was so- enjoy. Or don't. Either way. ๐Ÿ˜… I'm so sorry. Alex Knight is a Slytherin at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She's in her fifth year and desires nothing more than to one day get away from her family to something better. As the year unravels Alex finds out things about herself that changes her entire life for good. Things really start to complicate when she falls for the potions master and nothing is ever the same as it was. Follow Alex on an adventure of new found knowledge, family secrets, hidden pasts, and much much more. I would also like everyone to remember I finished book one and two at the age of fifteen. So, please ๐Ÿ˜…โ€ฆ