The Forced Bride Of Rodriguez (COMPLETED)

The Forced Bride Of Rodriguez (COMPLETED)

12,324,654 410,104 39

#1 in romance genre (1stJan - 8th Jan.)( Again placed #1 in romance in Feb)Aaron got up from his seat and walked round the table towards her while she was still sitting as if glued to that seat. He bent towards her, his one hand on the table and with the other he held her chin so that their eyes were at level.."Listen to me very clearly, Mrs Livia Aaron Rodriguez, you are my wife now. So you can only think of me, talk to me, smile at me, look at me and be around me only. You will do what I say.""I am not your slave."Ignoring her protest he continued,"And if you are feeling very needy and if you want to sleep with a man so much then don't worry just come to me and I promise you, I'll give you the best physical pleasure in this world. Afterall I'm quite experienced in this physical pleasure department." "Bastard!" she slapped his hand away but Aaron caught her mouth and kissed her hard...____________A cold and arrogantly ruthless CEO by day and a playboy by night, was how newspapers and magazines always portrayed the young billionaire Aaron Rodriguez but how much of truth did these rumours held? Was he really that kind of person as the rumours called or was there a different shade of him? Livia was going to find out soon...______________18 Oct '19 - 12 Dec' 19Word count : 34950-35000 approx.***This is my first work and I hope you'll like it 😊 Do vote and comment because your support matters a lot. 👉 The work is unedited. So read at your own risk. If you find a mistake I hope you'll be able to either ignore it or point it out very politely. You can also check out my other book. Hopefully you'll like it too. ❤️…

It Began With A Kiss Published!!

It Began With A Kiss Published!!

6,240 221 3

On their first meeting, she kissed him. On the second meeting, she showed him her middle finger. Of course, billionaire business tycoon, Liam Richardson wasn't very pleased to see her in his office a week later as his new secretary. She got on his nerves but also made him yearn for her. He doesn't want to let her in but she invaded his thoughts like no other women ever had. He doesn't want love, he doesn't need it but a little brunette starts to break down the walls he had so carefully built around his heart, won by one.Evangeline Rose was given a set of rules to adhere to if she still wants her job. Her new boss who was hot one moment and cold the next, callous one moment and a dangerous flirt the next irritated her, irked her and makes her forget everything. Even how to breathe! She hated him. She never wanted to like him. But fate had different plans......Their journey is a roller coaster and you are invited to be on this ride. A Standalone Romantic Comedy to melt your hearts.…

It began with a kiss (Completed)

It began with a kiss (Completed)

5,654,517 270,872 58

#1 in Romance (23.05.20)A WATTPAD ROMANCE FEATURED STORY."So the kiss was just a mistake?""Yes." she nodded her head as if just the words weren't enough for him to understand.He looked at her for a moment and then turned around and started to walk away. She let out a sigh of relief as now finally there was some distance between them but then he suddenly turned around and with his hands on either side of her head on wall she was trapped. Again!--------He likes control.She is uncontrollable with an equally uncontrollable imagination.He hates disobedience.She never obeys...atleast not without a fight or asking her thousand and one questions.He is punctual.She is always late...but never more than 5 minutes.So what would happen when this workaholic business tycoon, Liam Richardson would cross paths with a beautiful and feisty Evangeline Rose. Sparks are bound to fly with humour in the air.An office romance. A roller coaster ride of laughter, anxiety, questions, answers, love, separation and union.Word count : 67, 954 approx.Beautiful cover designed by @MilkweedSintheskystarted on: 26 April '20Completed on: 19 June '20…

A Promise To The Beloved (Completed)

A Promise To The Beloved (Completed)

2,344,234 115,450 54

"You see him as an heir of your empire and not as a family member. All you care about is the inheritance and not the child. If all you want is an heir then why not marry someone and produce as many heirs as you want." She stopped as she narrowed her eyes at him.And then with a mocking expression she continued, "Or is it that you are unable to Re.Pro.Duce??" seeing the angry flush on his face her heart smiled with satisfaction.But before she could celebrate her little victory against him he pulled her from her wrist and she collided with his hard chest. Snaking an arm around her waist he held her tightly as she struggled in his hold."Don't play with fire, Ms Lilly Jones or don't complain to me later if you end up getting burned.""I've never hated anyone as much as I hate you." she spitted. "The feelings are mutual then, sweetheart." he smiled._______________He married her to fulfil a promise he had made long ago. She was supposed to be a bride in name only, a wife just on papers. Then why he felt an undeniable hunger in him every time she met his gaze. Desiring her wasn't a part of his plans. He has never wanted anything as much as he wanted her. And that's where everything started to take an unexpected turn...Started on : 27 Dec 2020 Completed on :12 March 2021-------------Word count : I'll tell you when I'm done counting 😪…

Perfect You And Broken Me (ON HOLD)

Perfect You And Broken Me (ON HOLD)

5,009 503 3

*The story's ON HOLD for only god know how long as the Author has no idea. But you can check out her other books. They are complete n free to read!! Enjoy 😇!!*"Why do you women always run after money." He sneered at her."Maybe because unlike a certain someone from the male species, we aren't born in luxury. So we work hard for our money." She shot back calmly, smearing the jam on her toast._____He couldn't stand her for longer than a minute. She couldn't be more in a hurry to move out of his presence.He employed every trick in the book to drive her away. But his fierce temper and sharp tongue made her even more determined to stay.A man. A woman. A two month contract. Two strangers under the same roof. Who do you think will give up first?_____Started on : 06 April 2022…