Kidnapped by the Cruel Prince

Kidnapped by the Cruel Prince

4 4 2

Sirens, a curse disguised as a daydream~Many decades ago when a human betrayed a sea-creature on the name of love, stole from her and left her behind to die, a curse had befallen upon them; Sirens, ghostly creatures who lured men in with their melodious voices and alluring appearances. They fed upon thier hearts and deemed humans as thier biggest enemies. ~Aurora, a Siren who was born with boring Silver scales and Silver hair unlike all of her other sisters. She was labeled 'boring', 'dumb' and 'useless' because she couldn't even sing to lure men in to her trap. But what will happen when she will catch the eye of the Cruel Prince of dry-lands?~Draveric Bastian Alessandro, The notorious Cruel Prince of Hunza who was born with a scar on his face and sparkling silver eyes. He possessed inhumane power in his arms and uncanny attractiveness despite the scar above his face. He sets off on a mission to Kidnapp a Siren whose blood he needs to save his father but soon everything turns upside down when he finds himself attracted towards the woman he was supposed to hate...Would the Cruel Prince fall in Love with a Siren? More importantly will she ever learn to love a monster? Or maybe he is not as monstrous as they call him...โ€ฆ

The Devil's enchanting Eyes

The Devil's enchanting Eyes

5,386 172 34

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT/NO RAPE] ~HE WAS DANGER, THE RED ZONE. It was advised if you see him, run in the other direction but she loved chasing danger, SHE WAS THE TROUBLE-MAKER AFTER ALL. ~"No one touches what is mine!" He ignored her threat and growled animalistically, his chest visibly vibrating as he pushed her up against the car door, leaving no space in between. His wolf purred in pleaser upon her touch and warmth, his anger vanishing like foam however he still kept on a cold face. "Huh? Yours!?" She sneered without getting affected by the compromising position they were in. "I think you have gone delusional over the course of time, Mr Xavier Millers. I am no one's personal property. I repeat, no one!" She placed a hand on his chest aiming to push him off but before she could have done that, he lowered himself right in front of her lips. "Are you sure about the delusional part?" He brushed his lips over hers teasingly while his hands hooked on her waist. Her wolf reacted immediately, whimpering for more."You see," she pulled back a bit, "priorities and perspectives change with time." She blinked at him innocently as he gazed at her, confused by what she meant. He lowered his gaze to her neck trying to get a better look from up close. It didn't show any sign of his mark which had him frowning as he looked back up in her eyes. "What do you mean?" He whispered, his grip on her tightening without him knowing about it. "Meaning is simple," She shrugged. "I have rejected your mark and I am rejecting you so this," she pointed towards his lips while moving his hands away with her free hand, "doesn't make me weak anymore." ~~~~~This is a story of a teenage boy and girl who are living a pretty normal life, unaware of the dark secrets their past is hiding. There lives had totally opposite directions but fate had something else planned for them...โ€ฆ

Bewitched By The Demon Prince

Bewitched By The Demon Prince

1,400 65 25

[MATURE CONTENT/NO RAPE] He was Fire... She was Water... But how could fire and water become one without destroying one another? ~"Why are you running away from me, Hellion?" She almost yelled in frustration when he was still going towards the door. Both of them knew their marriage was just for the world to see but, at the moment her wife instincts were all over and she didn't try to subside them. She didn't want to! She wanted him! Her body ached for his touch all of a sudden... The next moment, she was lifted in the air and placed on the wooden trunk with him pressed between her legs as he gripped her waist firm. "Because if I stayed near you, I will go insane, Dia." He was breathing heavily, his chest moving up and down against hers as his fiery red eyes ran all over her bewildered face. His grasp was unnaturally strong, almost hurting her."In-sane?" She breathed, trying to avoid her lips from touching his that were barely a few centimeters away. A moment later his lips crashed roughly against hers but she haven't even processed the sensation fully when he pulled away the next instant. "Now you know," with that he seemed to have vanished in thin air. ~The story of a spoiled Princess and a mysterious man who saves her from her forced marriage. She thinks she has escaped but sometimes escapes lead to dead ends...Little did she know, she was playing with fire...โ€ฆ

Lucifer's Pet

Lucifer's Pet

12 5 5

In a catastrophic night of his crippling life, Ezekiel Onyx was lured to the dark side by a stranger who laid an enticing offer before him. Void of hope and dreams, compelled by desire, he made a deal with the mysterious man.What the poor man didn't know was that he had bargained with the manipulator of the manipulators, usher of the swindlers, the Lucifer himself.Lucifer, who vanished with the promise of coming back for him when it's time to fetch the payment of his bestowal but when the time came...he asked for something that Ezekiel Onyx hasn't expected in his wildest dreams. The only mistake he made was to trust the one who is known for one thing, his trickeries. Thus, tread carefully, as Lucifer has never known to be a man's friend.โ€ฆ