The Life Project

The Life Project

14 0 1

-Welcome Alisha!-Please be patient as we search through our 55 thousand users to find the best person for you! …

Happier | d.h

Happier | d.h

153 4 17

After two day's I got to met my neighbours. The helped me take in the last bit of boxes. One of them is kinda cute! I don't think I got their names tho. Next time I see them I'll be sure to ask!…

Unexpected | d.h

Unexpected | d.h

1,102 66 13

When (Y/N) was in high school, she had a problem. She was a loner...not just that but she was bullied by the other "loner" of the school,Dan Howell.__________________________________Whats the point in going to school, when your the school outcast. When you sit alone at lunch and sit at the back of every class, scared of the other class mates. Scared of what they'll think, scared of what they'll do if they find out, just scared of everything.I am that person. The "outcast". I get bullied for the things I like and the things I do. I get bullied by Dan Howell.The other outcast, but he is the other type of "outcast". He has no friends, but gets attention for bullying me. They think its funny, how every day I get more and more depressed. How nobody can see the scars on my arms. How nobody cares. I live on my own, eighteen years old and I live alone. Sometimes I get scared that this is how I'm going to die, alone. My parent's kicked me out when they realised that I was cutting. They told me that I was a grown adult and I've to get over it.How can I get over, not getting the chance to eat my lunch without someone calling me fat.How can I get over the fact that I get picked on because I ware trousers instead of a skirt, because I have short hair (sorry if you don't have short hair, just pretend. =3) because I am different.How can I get over the fact that my life is falling apart. __________________________________Embark on the amazing story of a friendship formed by fights.…

Confused Feelings | d.h reader

Confused Feelings | d.h reader

407 15 12

~***~I stood outside my brothers house, debating whether to ring the door bell or just leave. After a couple minutes contemplating I finally decided to knock.I heard footsteps behind the door and a tall drown haired man opened the door."Hello?"He said.~***~…

Storys Of Sadness
Dan Howell | Imaginative

Dan Howell | Imaginative

71 4 9

Its literally just Dan imaginative what else can I say…

You | Dodie Clark

You | Dodie Clark

50 2 3

Walking through the halls of my boring school. I see her.Who is her?She is (Y/N).Her short blond hair, pushed back to form a fringe, her amazingly hazel eyes shimmering in the light, not to mention her amazing smile that fulls the world with happiness, that can make anyone's day.She turns away from her group of friends and looks a me.I shyly move a strand of hair away from my face tucking it behind my ear. She waves and I wave back.Any time I see her, it makes my heart skip a beat.___________________________________________…

Going Insane | X-Reader

Going Insane | X-Reader

87 5 6

It all stared when I was fourteen....I would say up all night because of my "voices", they would say things I didn't what to hear or know.It even started to happen at school...People would see me talking to myself, hitting or banging my head against things and the would even see me shouting at thin air.They called me "Psychopath" and the more they said it, the more true it became.I knew I needed help, but I was scared of what people would think, so I ignored them, my voices, and the more I ignored them, the stronger they got...__________________________________________________…