Crush Imagines

Crush Imagines

610,122 10,554 56

A book about cute original crush imagines. I won't lie, I do not update regularly but when I do update, I update about 2 or 3 times. **REQUESTS ARE CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE**Highest Ranking: #24 in Short Story…



475 23 2

THIS BOOK WAS ORIGINALLY NAMED 'THE JOCK AND THE FANGIRL'"She wants to change the world,he wants the world to adore him. She wants to make a difference, he wants to be known"Becky Bonnar is what comes to mind when you hear the word nerd. She tries so hard in this world,all because she's trying to escape her past. But no one would think that the girl who always has her coffee brown eyes in a book would ever have problems. Like her peers,she has secrets and dreams too. She knows more than most of her school,yet they act as if she's nonexistent. No one would ever think she was worth something behind all those baggy clothes,well except one guy. Cole Molano is your everyday top athletic high school star who pulls in practically everyone. With a guaranteed full ride to any college of his choosing and an average 4.0 GPA. Add on his killer looks,he can get anyone he wants. Or at least that's what everyone tells him. But he doesn't want just anyone. He wants the person who understands him more than he understands himself.Cole Molano wants Becky Bonnar. He wants her back. Becky and Cole were once inseparable,but when high school rolled around,things went South. One day they were something much more than friends,and the next they wouldn't dare look at one another. Only they know what happened,and Becky sure as hell wants to forget all about Cole. But love has a funny way of flipping your world around.With their senior year beginning, Cole is determined to get his girl back. But will he make it in time before they both head off to college? And will Becky even talk to him? Will old friendships and love be enough to bring these two back to each other? Do two people so different belong? Well you know what they say, 'Opposites attract'........…

Words Left Unsaid

Words Left Unsaid

2,278 104 30

Kind of like a diary but it's not. Just things I should've said when I had the chance.…

Feelings In Seasons

Feelings In Seasons

132 17 10

Dedicated to the ones who are safer and more comfortable with words than people…

Suicidal Attraction {Old Version}

Suicidal Attraction {Old Version}

9,984 369 16

"When people who have trust issues fall in love it's scary. The people they fall for fill up that hole in their life that was left by someone who caused them to have trust issues. The person starts to fill whole and happy; like this person is the one. But when that one person leaves,the one who made them invincible,they're crushed. The persons life gets worse and they fall deeper and deeper into that hole. The hole of what used to be."Kira Green is one that never wanted to fall in love. She planned on being alone and pushed everyone who loved her away. She gets bullied relentlessly even though she tries her hardest not to be seen. But in our society,the more one tries to hide, the more one is exposed. When Logan Williams came bursting into her life like he did, she didn't know what to think of this charming boy. He was different than the rest of the world. For the first time, a person wanted to know about the scars on Kira's heart than the ones on her wrists. She doesn't trust him at all. She wants absolutely nothing to do with Logan,but somehow he finds a way to meddle his way into her life. And when he figures out more about Kira,he's more than shocked. He doesn't see a girl who hates the entire world ,but hates herself even more. He doesn't see a fat, ugly, whore when gazing into her eyes. He sees a girl who's been wronged by the world left and right. He sees a girl who cares music more than she cares about her own life. He sees a person who needs love. But not everyone who you try to save ends up being saved in the end. Sometimes it's just too late. As Kira always says ,"Happily ever after was so once upon a time."This book does not promote self harm or suicide. And it also doesn't romanticize it. It simply is a story about two broken people on a quest to fix one another and mange to somehow fall in love with each other along the way.FYI THIS IS NOT A FAN FICTION! THIS IS AN ORIGINAL STORY CREATED BY ME!!!…

Suicidal Attraction

Suicidal Attraction

97 6 2

"We're expected to love one another, but never the broken." -K.Z.If you lived a day in Cassidy Green's life, you wouldn't trust in people either. All hope has been lost over the years in here life filled with relentless bullying. But then a boy Logan Williams shows up her junior year and spins her world into a mess full of feelings she's never felt. She wants nothing to do with him. She tries time after time to get rid of her new "friend" with no success. As Logan hangs around more, he finds out more and more about her. And when he discovers what Cassidy really thinks of herself, he's more than shocked. He wonders how a girl so unique and beautiful; believes she's so useless and ugly. He sees a girl who's been wronged by the world numerous times. He sees someone who needs love But not everyone who you try to save ends up being saved in the end. Sometimes some people are just too far gone. As Cassidy says, "Happily ever after is so once upon a time."*This book does not promote self harm. It does also not romanticize it. It simply is a story about two broken people on a quest to fix one another and manage to catch some feelings along the way.*ALSO THIS IS AN ORIGINAL STORY I CREATED! IT IS NOT A WORK OF FANFICTION!…

Nick & Delilah

Nick & Delilah

195 13 4

Text messages between a boy named Nick and a girl named Delilah.Can you really bond with someone you've never met? Can a relationship that'll be true and last start over text? Throw in some phone calls, then the chances will be higher? These two teenagers ,Nick and Delilah, had no idea what was going to happen when they started texting. They didn't have a clue on how big they would affect eachothers lives. But then again, does anyone ever? Love can be found in the most weirdest places. Especially when you don't expect it.…

Broken Letters

Broken Letters

487 101 15

Amber Lynn never liked being alone. Since she was in middle school she always had him,Alex Rodriguez so she was never alone because she always had him. He knew her darkest secrets. He knew everything. Even her biggest fear. Abandonment. When she is left heartbroken by Alex after dating him for 3 years,she doesn't know what to do. So she turns to writing,writing him letters.He gets them a few months later. Is he too late to fix everything? Is he too late to save this relationship? Can he fix his mistake? A story told by letters,broken letters.…

3 a.m.

3 a.m.

282 16 7

When you can't sleep, read this. When you are lost, read this. When you just need someone, read this. This is a book for me to have an outlet. Holding it all in isn't well.…

New Era: Poetry

New Era: Poetry

141 2 9

I have many books of poems. I have many poems I have written. This poem book is for poems about him. A new era. This one is about good feelings. This is positive poetry, my only positive poetry.…

Poem Collection

Poem Collection

1,567 160 24

One of my two books of poems I have here on Wattpad. That's really all I can say for this one.…

You Can't Escape From Your Mind

You Can't Escape From Your Mind

1,266 144 27

Just my crazy thoughts and poems.....Otherwise known as my mind....…

You Love Them So Much That It Hurts

You Love Them So Much That It Hurts

117 9 1

That one person,whether it's a celebrity,someone who passed away,someone who goes to your school,or someone who lives in another world where bad and good things happen to them(books)…