Thorns & Roses (Sakusa X Atsumu)

Thorns & Roses (Sakusa X Atsumu)

463 25 1

In another world, we're the soil to a seed that decides our faith. A seed that has been planted at our back since we were born. It fosters tiny leaves until that right time comes, to bud when you meet love.…

Say, If My Wish Is Granted (Tsukishima X Reader)

Say, If My Wish Is Granted (Tsukishima X Reader)

2,195 169 2

(Y/n), an ordinary girl who's skeptical of reality. She admires the life of her 2D characters who she thinks are the only one who fulfills her dreams. They're one of the ones who make her day.Until, she opened her eyes, shocked, I was falling. Her perception of time distorted, everything slowed down until there was nothing, only me and the sky above, the sky that seemed to swallow me whole. She reached out her hand, kissing the sky, grasping the endless crevasse of blue. Everything was a blur, a blur that swirled out of existence. Suspended in the air, I closed my eyes and surrendered into the infinite sky above.*CRASH*"TSUKISHIMA KEI!?!"…



13,267 700 12

Growing up sickly is really annoying. You get to spend most of your time in the hospital. The white walls, the smell of lodoform and of course IV drops here and there. It brings back a lot of memories. That's why ever since I got out of the hospital I've set up my goal; that's to find that boy. I'll never know when I will be taken back to that prison so, I got to make this worth the shot.Sakusa Kiyoomi! I'll make sure to pay my debt!…