I love you.

I love you.

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so uh- I gave up on the last story so I'm making this 🙂 TW: Boy x Boy, swearing, Minor shipping, mcyt fandom, dream x George, tubbo x ranboo, cringe storyline, grammar, chapter titles. if you don't feel comfortable with any of these please don't read it. this is my first book so if you can, please leave some comments of how I could improve my stories I'll be writing in the future ^^ (probabaly) Ships: DreamNotFound, Skephalo, Tubboxranboo (I don't know the ship name sorry) and I guess that's it? Keep in mind I'm writing the description first before the story, I haven't finished this so you'll have to wait for the chapters!! Thanks for making it this far xoxo -Txbbq_ 💛…