Glass Forest

Glass Forest

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The Seven Lands are a sacred place, protected by the Goddess Anithursa and the God Anaken. All of the royals, no matter the kingdom, thrive on the security of the place and each other, bettering their own towns and the ones around them. Together they fight the monsters that threaten them, and forever they've won. The Fangs, horrible demon/human creatures, break The Seven Land's streak of victory and the peace within the kingdoms. The kings and the leader of the Fangs meet together after a gruesome battle and make a deal. The Fangs can stay in The Seven Lands as long as they harm no person or the animals and land that the person owns. The deal stays true for many years, until one forgetless Fang attacks and kills the queen of Trabele. Winter, the princess of Trabele, grows up resenting the Fangs because of what they did to her mother and to her life. When her father dissapears into thin air, looking for a Fang, she's forced to leave and search for her father and, inevitably, the Fang that may also take away her other half. Winter has to search around the kingdoms, desperate to find her father, and ends up making an unexpected ally. Together they search, and together they will find not just her father, but many secrets of the world and of themselves.โ€ฆ