random musings

random musings

13 0 3

musings of a random girl, fond of collecting and piling up memories.…

Just Random Stuffs

Just Random Stuffs

766 37 105

BewareCautionYou have been warned…

Pinky Swear

Pinky Swear

42 4 2

Not so long ago Rayne Mendez's promise to her childhood playmate Nat2x was unbreakable. She believed that she will surely hold on to it until the very end. Not so long ago, Vrent Kharma Izreal meant nothing to her, he was just a mere stranger she encountered at the park but now--- guess fate has a different plan.…

Me, You and everything in between

Me, You and everything in between

134 20 5

She met him in one of the unconventional way possible. Things would turn out the way it seems or will there meeting a beginning of something and everything in between.…

Lost in Bewilderment

Lost in Bewilderment

186 11 10

"He was lost. I have to find him. "One book, one wish would change the world of Sophia as she gets entangled to the search for her beloved Landice Imperial.…

Of You and Me

Of You and Me

58 11 4

Rayne Mendez was just a typical cafe part-timer at Cafe Vistah, a typical and simple life until she met this guy who resembled one of the person in her past. A person who she really wants to forget and throw him in oblivion if possible. What's worse? he actually applied as the cafe waiter. Will things go as it seems or will he be the one to change her life forever?…