Memes And Random Stuff
WELL SINCE EVERYONE IS DOING I WILL! Welcome to Memes by me! There will be some curse words but I didn't make the memes...I found them in a mythical land called... THE INTERNET! So have fun and laugh └|゜ε゜|┐…
WELL SINCE EVERYONE IS DOING I WILL! Welcome to Memes by me! There will be some curse words but I didn't make the memes...I found them in a mythical land called... THE INTERNET! So have fun and laugh └|゜ε゜|┐…
Yep...I am learning to draw so you can see it. I really hope you will like it ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ also there will be random stuff XD…
Riko Tatsumi is a human like robot. She can act and function like a normal person. She was made to help but no one knows... The War of the States was caused because of her. So she traveled back in time to meet her creator Haruka Tatsumi. Will she stop the war or will the war stop her?…
Ember and Flare Firestorm are the last of their kind that's free. They escaped the fire wars between phoenixes and fire demons. Their parents told them to go to a forest that is home to arachnids. Once they get there, they meet Jayden Spyder, a arachnid. Ember and Jay fall in love but suddenly the forest bursts into flames. A fire demon approached them and almost killed Jay but Ember and Flare took her somewhere safe. Will they survive or burn in the eternal flames?…
The story of Madelia Hatter falling in love with Alexandre Wonderland. Everyone knows the classic fairytale but this is my version. Madelia and her friends meet Alexandre Wonderland and they quest to the red kingdom to stop the Red King's evil plans.…
Welcome to Newhaven! We have everything here from homes to malls! We have a little secret though. We hide monsters from society. Even humans that are monster-like. So come and enjoy....but stay away from the monsters -evil laughter-…
Steven and his friends found out that there are more gems coming to Earth. Steven ran to the gem room accidentally released the centepeedle. He saw it was in pain so he healed it....releasing it from its corruption. The centepeedle became Jade.....a gem that fought alongside with his mother. She told him that he had a aunt and her Gem rebellion is coming to help Steven and the gems fight Yellow Diamond.…