Child of War
Y/N has been around violence and war her whole life. When she escaped Hydra for the second time she finally settled down into a calm life, or well as calm as your life can be with heroes and mercenaries as friends.…
Y/N has been around violence and war her whole life. When she escaped Hydra for the second time she finally settled down into a calm life, or well as calm as your life can be with heroes and mercenaries as friends.…
Intro/description:When Toxic, or should I say Y/N returned to the mansion last year she stayed there with them watching over them. She's been caring for Laughing Jack and Slender while they remain depressed over the lose of there child. She was out on a kill one day and she was caught by the authorities and is now in a mental facility.…
⚠️I made this when I was very young and it makes little logical sense and I apologize if you get confused or find certain things wierd⚠️Intro/description Y/N was abandoned at an orphanage when she was four years old by her so called "father" after she found out her mother died. She spent two years of her life there. After she finally snapped and killed everyone that lived there. She now lives there alone and anyone who dares venture there dies after she kills them. One day a killer wonders into her little home. Someone from her past. Yes…
this is a remake of an old story i made as a child, i hope it is much better. When Y/N was a child her mother died, he father filled with guilt and heartache left her at an orphanage when she was 5. She got no explanation and was abandoned there after being told they were going on vacation. She slowly lost it as she got older, she couldn't handle the fact that she was abandoned by her father and the constant bullying for her strange look.…
Emerald we Frost is the name is the last Dragon shifter, her realm was attacked and they were all killed but her parents got her out in time and she ended up on Midguard. Now she must learn survive in a place that is not her home, what happens when years latter when she gets on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar?…
Just random short stories I make from different fandoms, some longer then others. You may leave suggestions but I might not do them if I don't know the fandom or anything and if so I apologize. Hope you enjoy!…