For the sake of him.

For the sake of him.

3 0 7

A 17 Year old girl was very controlled by her parents they wouldn't let her date so Elise went out and dated she was awfully good at hiding him and their relationship. Devin was a very abusive man his parents were racist and strictly said no white girls. he'd Threaten her if she ever left him or told anyone of the abuse. It was all great till he broke her heart, She fell into a depression, started doing drugs, pills and hanging with the wrong type of people Then later on in life she gets herself gang activity and eventually becomes apart of mafia . Her parents later found out what she was doing and made her pick a choice Trigger warning- suicide, drug usage and abusive relationship, mafia activity.…

New School

New School

172 7 6

A 15 year old girl is starting at a new school in a kinda popular spot, her first day goes so bad but then it all takes a twist when she meets Josh, Josh is a 16 year old junior while Bella is a 15 year old female who moved due to family issues. Bella and Josh had gotten partnered together on the first day of school for a project. Little did they both know what was going to happen shortly after..…