Realized.. (PuccaXRingring) (discontinued)
After so many attempts to get garu to love her, it fails. How many times has she jumped on him and kissed him and he still doesn't love her. She gave up. 10 to finally 14, she gave up. Now she has that same feeling for her rival. that's right, ringring. It seems that she realized he would never love her. now, she will chase her rival and jump on her, just like she did with garu. Garu didn't mind until it got to him. Without puccas support, he's even weaker compared to herRingring stopped her rivalry as soon as they were said to be brother and sister, what will she do now with a unstable garu and a loving pucca, she's friends with pucca and her friend group now, she wears a pink dress with cuts on the side and the black leggings.Pucca is still the star but ringring has changed and only has a little lipgloss and blush, just like pucca. what will happen next, Pucca wins ringrings heart or will Pucca be heartbroken again.…