

5 1 1

A composite piece of lines written over time…

My First Real Poem - Untitled

My First Real Poem - Untitled

42 0 1

It is about gaining wisdom from the constant and never ending obstacles of life.…

Improv story 4
Second Improv Story Real Thingy

Second Improv Story Real Thingy

75 1 1

I wrote this for my exit essay (pass-fail) for my english class. It was supposed to be about what we learned that year, but I wrote a story instead…

The Wayto Willing
Wattpad Continuous Event
Improv story 3
The Water reCycles
First Improv Story Trial Thingy

First Improv Story Trial Thingy

62 1 1

Sad, I know, but powerful…

My First Haiku - Back Here

My First Haiku - Back Here

32 1 1

I wrote this when my grandfather died. He had severe alzheimer's and the one thing he could do you is tell you about his childhood. So I wrote this poem about reminiscing.…