Oh! just Listen-up my Friends

Oh! just Listen-up my Friends

36 0 6

Let's be friendly, more and more virtues should be rised among our friends. Together we should make a better world for our succeeding generations to come.…

Universal Education by the Lord Sri.Ram

Universal Education by the Lord Sri.Ram

13 0 3

The Story revolves around the recent Changes in Education both Regular(Off-line) mode and Distance(on-line) mode.…

Life of a Jocky, the Jack of the Trade

Life of a Jocky, the Jack of the Trade

5 0 3

As they say know, " A Jack of all trades is a master of none". Here in this, I have taken the writer's freedom to experiment with the name: Jack, Jocky or Jocky. As per the Grammatical rule in the English, it is not considered a spelling mistake in names, until people could pronounce it, colloquially. Some Astologers, suggest name changes based on this superb rule of nomenclature of human beings. Here I'm not offending or mocking their business, even I follow my jodiac predictions every week!…

The Red Dragon from the Golden Pagodas

The Red Dragon from the Golden Pagodas

13 0 2

It's all started on the night's dream of my own as I, usually don't remember any dream but this one strikes hard as i have read the "News Paper Statement by Mr.Elon Musk, requesting the Elite Scientific Community to Postpone their research about the AI( Artificial Intelligence).My Dream in a nut shell: I got in to a Temple, where an AI-powered God's Statue of The Golden Buddha Orders a red Dragon to go and punish the Criminals on the spot. who plan to dismantle the biggest statues located at different countries, all-over-the world.…

 Amidst Bonamis and Amis

Amidst Bonamis and Amis

11 0 2

These lines are not less than some mood swings!😜Why should you read? unless the writer become a member of a royal family of poets!🧑‍🏫…

My Birthday musings and some reflections of Vividity

My Birthday musings and some reflections of Vividity

17 0 2

AS part of my Birthday, which has been celebrated virtually with some simple rituals has stirred my mind like the Cappuccino!!So, here I'm refurbishing the verses for the coffee lovers!!…

Exquisite Enlightening Enchanters (E.E.E)

Exquisite Enlightening Enchanters (E.E.E)

29 0 3

It's the saga of a Grand Father Sanju Daniel, who saved his realm of properties from the claws of a "Cyber Goon", who tries to hack into his own bank accounts which were credited by his own hard earned money, which is the sweat and blood. This story has a distinct flavor of turns and twists of a serious involvement of the international gang of goons, who misuses the block chain software to create their own dark world. Despite the struggle with the goons, our Grand Father manages to encrypt the software developed by the dark networking hackers!!…

The No:1 Yaari!👬

The No:1 Yaari!👬

94 0 12

The World will know the importance of the "Friendship".…

"The Super Chef from Bajarangi's Culinary Arts"

110 2 7

Welcome to the world of wild tastes, As there are Six Vices and Seven Virtues, the same with the tastes of a palate: Six and Sixhundred shades. Our chef Mr. Raja Mohan, knows how to cook as per the palate of his customers. He is the chief cook in a famous restaurant, namely "The Bajarangi's Spl".…

God is Great!

God is Great!

265 7 11

Alizah Safarjung Deccani is a young Indian Turk, who returned to his home country, i.e.,India after a 3 months vacation from Tehran. It' about the life of a person, who has great aspirations like all the millennials of this generation.His vigorous efforts to grab the opportunities, which comes to him in the way of his life, makes him a hero, who was not interested in his begging for things but interested in achieving things!…

The Vigilant Village

The Vigilant Village

14 0 5

I'm from a village, called Aushapur."You know me", suddenly I felt a jerk in my spine,. While I was looking for the City bus, no:300 and i turned back and i was just astonishing to recollect the face from my memory. All of a sudden I felt it's Ramana Bandary, my childhood friend. Literally after 12 yerars, now we are seeing each other.Damn you Vinod , you made yourself disfigured, muttered my friend. Heel of a Cow, then how come, you recognise me, If i disfigured my self, just i pierced my right ear and a dumble pinned on my left eye brow, that's all, it's too cool in a metro cities like, Hyderabad.Chal reh, tere se sala woh Niranzan Reddy acha hai, saleh ko Nagarjuna Sagar Project main Hydro electric Engineer job mila, phir bhi woh job chodke Software Engineer job kartaa, achaa kamata bolke USA chala gaya, har din sala Facebook pe koi Na koyi picture dalke, sabko yadkarta! Tu sala ek picture bhi uploaded nahi karta, badmash, harami,..."Stop it, your hinglish", shouted my friend Bandary. O.K. Bro! I quit, all I wanted to just chill with you bro, nothing personal.To be continued....…