I'll Stop the World
When Rexon, a Canadian, receives a panicked call from his girlfriend, an American, about anonymous hackers threatening to shut down the U.S. power grid, he tries to console her. It doesn't help that there are rumors of war brewing against the U.S., with speculations of an invasion flooding news outlets. Then an explosion cuts off their call, leaving Rex helpless with Daisy's cry echoing in his mind. What's a guy to do when the woman he loves is in trouble, lives in another country, and the world around her is falling apart?With his dog, Ziggy, and his best friend, Jude, they hit the road to find Daisy and get her out.**Prompt 129: The ink of our souls binds us beyond the pages of time.**◇This story is purposely written with short chapters under 1k words to create an episodic and fast-paced read. Enjoy ❤️…