Loving a Monster

Loving a Monster

156 16 18

"...then slayers plunged the stake through the heart of one his kids hidden from the slayers claws the oldest covered the youngest face so he wouldn't see the blood coming from his mothers chest..." a woman told her childHis face half covered with his blanket his mother leaving so he looked at her and he asked her "Mommy... Where did the Slayers come from?"The mother was at the door she stared at her son and she smiled lightly she was beautiful not like any woman but her answer was "...we created them"----------------------------------A motor turned on a hand laid on a handle and turned it making it roar to life a smirk spread accross its face. Black motorcicle roared and purred with life and the foot let the stand raise up and sped of. In its eyes the joy of riding the wind hitting its face.…

My Bad Boy

My Bad Boy

36 0 11

I saw how the placed their elbows on top of her head. Anger started to rise inside me slowly and I didn't understand it. More boys started to surround her and I felt confused. I know she is unpopular and all but I never knew she was popular amongst men. Is she really easy to get in bed?…

My Vampire Teacher

My Vampire Teacher

2,252 48 24

I was new to the school I felt weird so I went to first period well I had a difficult time getting there but I did get to class. I took steps inside and all eyes fell on me and I froze I didn't know what to do except glare a bit.----------------------------------I was scared I was in a class room all alone with him a creature of the night. The sun went down and his blue orbs turned red as the began to glow in the shade as the sun kept going lower and lower the night getting closer. My heart beat was rapid as I was fearing for my life.…

Your the death of Me

Your the death of Me

738 1 30

Our eyes slowly met as I felt that pull towards him... But how can I love a monster? That has taken everything away from me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why is this girl so hard to kill or hurt? Why did I even bring her here I should have waited till she matured that would be a better way to make her feel pain. I felt the pull towards her and I looked at the pain in her eyes something in me sparked towards her and that made me angry.…

He saved me

He saved me

67 1 24

A journey of discovery and truth. Love is worth while. Even if it is the person you least expect it.…

Pride Month 2021

Pride Month 2021

19 0 23

A Whole Month of Short Stories for Pride Month! Each Chapter is a whole different Story. 30 Chapters. 30 different stories and randomness. Art Work done By Me! There may be a few mature chapters but warnings will be placed.All will be ideas of LGBTQIA+ so all will be short stories. I cannot add all Genders and Pronouns in here as I have not lived nor have experienced nor have met more than half of the gender/pronouns all around. But I shall do my best to do various. I apologize if I had not added a Gender. It's hard to make something about an amazing thing that certain people have and I respect all and love all. Hope you enjoy. Let me now if I had written something wrong or bad. Thank you!…

Am her... MATE?!

Am her... MATE?!

260 5 34

It's midnight and I am running around the forest curious as ever when I heard a weird rumbling noise so I went to check it out. My pack always said to never surpass the gate to the out land. But I dug and dug I heard the rumbling noise again and I dug faster when I made a big enough whole I ran in all fours still around forest but I tripped on something hard maybe a rock. I stood up and looked at my paws to see black rock and a white line with some yellow lines in the center. 'What is this?' I sniffed it feeling confused but it smelled different I didn't know what to do so I just licked it and it tasted so awful. 'Blah gross...'I heard a weird noise again so I looked up to see bright lights then pain erupted in my body until everything numbed and darkness overwhelmed me. -------------------------------------------------------------------I was driving anger boiling inside me I just wanted to go back there and get that person and just hit him so much but I needed to calm down I saw something in the road so I hit the breaks but it twist a bit and I heard the thump between my car and the thing I turned the wheel and I was in the opposite side of the road. 'Great I am going to end up getting sued by this... Fuck' I opened the door letting the light illuminate the road a bit and I push the button to signal other cars that I am parked but am in the middle of nowhere so bleh I just leave it like that. I headed towards the dark figure on the road. 'Oh shit I hit an animal...' I grabbed my phone and turned the flash light on and I saw legs I gasped. 'Human... Aw man I hit someone...' I moved up the legs to see a waist the legs covered the part and I am guessing the person is a female. I gulped I moved a bit more seeing the figure completely she only had one scratch near her eye but she looked pretty hot to be walking alone and NAKED?!…

Mute, Speak and... Wolf?!

Mute, Speak and... Wolf?!

65 0 11

I didn't think that she... The girl i rescued is my other half... The destined to marry me... Is a werewolf who tries to speak but is scared in doing it.…

Night Thoughts

Night Thoughts

1 0 1

12 am until 3am crazy thoughts…