Shrek x Male Eevee

Shrek x Male Eevee

60 0 1

This was a text message I originally sent to my friend and now I'm uploading it to Wattpad. So you guys are lucky (or unlucky) to witness this as well! Whenever I try to read this out loud to him, he always threatens me by saying that he will send me anime lesbian porn (yuri) and that he knows I hate lesbian porn so, so... much!…

Dreadory uses Tumblr.

Dreadory uses Tumblr.

21 0 9

This is the prequel to "Dreadory & The Cheese Touch: A Diary of a Wimpy Kid Fan-Fic"…

Dreadory & The Cheese Touch: A Diary of a Wimpy Kid Fan-Fic

Dreadory & The Cheese Touch: A Diary of a Wimpy Kid Fan-Fic

186 0 7

Dreadory gets the cheese touch.(I made this in a day.)…

Max's Collection of The Good Stuff

Max's Collection of The Good Stuff

35 0 3

It's the good stuff.…

Axel The Riolu #1

Axel The Riolu #1

703 20 5

Axel is a Riolu with amnesia. All he can remember is his name. He woke up in a house in Treasure Town. (Treasure Town is the local town in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky.)Axel tries to recover his memory but it won't work. So instead, he decides to start a new life and meet new friends.When he heard about Wigglytuff's Guild, he decided to join. His life starts to get more interesting when he joined the guild.…

The Necromancer's Excursion of the Omicron Oblivion

The Necromancer's Excursion of the Omicron Oblivion

90 0 4

Join the journey of Rongdong Longshlong the Necromancer as he searches for his missing face that was stolen ever since he was a bab when he was abandoned from Earth to a planet called Oblivious on a whole new galaxy. On his journey, he writes poems based on his emotional and wacky adventures. He plans on publishing his poem book one day, known as the "Omicron Oblivion". He also learns on his journey of life, the meaning of friendship, love, and even lust. But it will be hard for him to chose who to be with in the end. Who will be with him till the end of time? Or will he just end up alone in his own thoughts for the rest of life? Find out in "The Necromancer's Excursion of the Omicron Oblivion"!(This story contains hardcore sex, hardcore violence, and other hardcore mature themes. All the art in the story is drawn by me. This story will get updated with a new chapter time to time just like all those other fucking wattpad stories. So... yeah. Stay tuned and be patient. P.S. I tend have the most ideas during night time, so the "MOST FUCKED UP" scenes where I go overboard is because of that.)…



189 0 11

Travel in ten different dreams with different people. Each dream has a different topic. Experience a journey of dreams!…

Axel The Riolu #2

Axel The Riolu #2

185 4 4

Axel and his new and only friend, Hikara, decided to join Wigglytuff's Guild together. They got their first mission. That mission was to secure a special purple gem known as the Sacred Gem of Sorrow. When they found the gem in these ancient ruins, a Zoroark appeared and claimed that he is part of the Dark Hearts Organization. He was trying to kill Axel and Hikara. They tried to run away, but it was no use. They had no choice but to fight.…

Axel The Riolu #10: The Grand Finale

Axel The Riolu #10: The Grand Finale

258 0 9

The final volume of the series is finally here! (Also, sorry it has been about six or nine months. I was really busy and it was hard for me to think about this "Grand Finale". But it's finally here, and at the end of this, I have some exciting news for you guys.)Axel had a coma for a month from getting a big hit after defeating Zoroark! Axel found himself at the cliff in Treasure Town. The Wigglytuff Guild was in ashes!He finds Shuppet, someone who knows EVERYTHING about him! He tells Axel that the sword can unleash the power of the Pink Moon. And it will be the end of the World of Pokemon as we know it!Hikara was aware of Axel's hostility! She tried to kill him! But Axel killed her instead! Axel regretted ALL of this mess he has created and tried to kill himself!But Project Tranquility stopped him!Why?!That's because he knows Axel's past!The grand finale begins here!…

Axel The Riolu #5

Axel The Riolu #5

150 0 5

Axel and Hikara were assigned for their second mission to get a hostage back. They had to go to the Forest of Tranquility. But when they got there, they met a member of the DHO. Her name is Serperior, but apparently she said that she was Axel's best friend.Axel then tried to help her and she got away. When Axel and Hikara got back to the guild with the hostage, the hostage told Chatot what Axel did. Axel then took his sword out and sliced the hostage's head off! The only option was to run! Fighting would make things worse.…

Axel The Riolu #7

Axel The Riolu #7

154 1 5

Axel's mission was to kill Chatot. When Axel got to the guild, he and Chatot had an unpleasant talk. Axel then killed Chatot. But Axel planned what he should do next after killing Chatot.Axel decided to burn down the guild with everyone inside it. He thought that he should forget about Hikara. But since she's his friend, Axel had no choice but to save her.He took her to the house where he first met her. He hoped that he would never see her ever again. He has to move on with his life in the DHO.…

Axel The Riolu #6

Axel The Riolu #6

55 0 2

Axel ran away from the angry mob and decided to join the Dark Hearts Organization. He had no choice but to join.He also found out that the legendary pokemon, Darkrai, is part of the DHO. Axel also met the leader, Zenith. However, Zenith was hidden in shadows, so Axel couldn't get an accurate look.Axel decided to join the DHO so that he will get his memory back. When Axel was going to start his first mission at the DHO, his mission was to kill Chatot.…

Axel The Riolu #4

Axel The Riolu #4

104 3 3

Axel and Hikara had to train with Chatot to get their reward for their first (and only mission so far) mission. Axel was doing terrible at his first day of training. Because of that, Chatot whispered something to Axel that offended him a lot. Chatot whispered that Axel is weak. Axel found a solution by deciding to (practice) fight Hikara.The next day, Axel tried to fight Chatot. But Axel looked like he was overdoing it. So then Hikara stopped Axel before he would kill Chatot.When they got back to the guild, they thought of a big question. Does Chatot, Wigglytuff, or everyone at the guild know about the Dark Hearts Organization?…

Axel The Riolu #3

Axel The Riolu #3

159 4 4

Axel and Hikara got defeated by Zoroark and the gem was stolen by one of the members of the DHO. Axel woke up in a forest after he was fainted. Hikara wasn't with him too. He then met Roserade, a member of the DHO. They made a bet that if Axel defeats Roserade, she will give Hikara back to Axel. Axel then got magic sword known as the Golden Sword of Prosperity. Axel defeated Roserade and got Hikara back.…

Axel The Riolu #9

Axel The Riolu #9

133 1 4

Axel thought that Braixen would think that he's weak. But he was wrong. She thought that he was strong. But she also said that he should believe when he is fighting.Braixen then told him to kill Zoroark. She said that Zoroark tried to kill all members of the DHO. This means he's a traitor!Axel then successfully killed Zoroark. But everything then blacked out.By the way, good job for Hinzozu in figuring out the code!…

Axel The Riolu #8

Axel The Riolu #8

110 2 4

Axel got a new partner who he is in love with and Darkrai gave them a mission. The mission was to kill an assassin known as Dark the Riolu. He also saw Zoroark and he wanted to fight him. But the only way to meet up and battle each other is to fight at the DHO Arena. It was said that he's at the Sand Village of Dusk.When they arrived there, the Grim Reaper showed up. They managed to make him disappear, but they didn't kill him because he's already dead. But then, Dark showed up. He was looking for the Sacred Gem of Sorrow. But when he saw the Golden Sword of Prosperity, he craved for it. But Axel managed to kill him and take the Dark Sword of Souls.When they got back, Axel went to the DHO Arena to fight Zoroark. However, Zoroark easily defeated Axel! Will Axel's senpai, Braixen, think Axel is puny and will never fall in love with him? We will find out!…

Life of an Espurr

Life of an Espurr

3,583 38 35

You probably know that a lot of people on the internet think the Pokemon, Espurr, is creepy. Well here is a story of an Espurr. While you read this, you know how cute and creepy this Pokemon is. This story also includes the pokedex information of Espurr and Meowstic. And also includes hilarious memes and comics about Espurr.…

The Mechanical Ones

The Mechanical Ones

38 0 3

Witness the what might happen to us if robots might take over the world. Three chapters of how Earth will reach a time period know as The End.…