Bodyguard (Different Male Levi)

Bodyguard (Different Male Levi)

5,493 168 31

Levi Ackerman is a teenager who is a famous idol. He and his band are known all around the world. Being so famous you'll surely have people after you, so he needs a bodyguard. At first he protested to having one something about that he is strong and he doesn't need someone to protect him, but the teenager knew the argument was surely one he'd loose. It seemed his bandmates were more excited then he was himself. Sure, he was happy se had somebody to protect him, but that also means another person to watch over. Erwin Smith was a hopeless case, as soon he saw the cute sassy pants Levi was he felt something inside him light up. He saw the raven in only a picture and he felt his heart ache for his touch. Then his boss mentioned a job offer to another boy he worked with, but as soon as he heard the job offer he jumped on it. He met the small bird's uncle and he knew this was the place he belonged to be. Protecting the raven with his life. Being there for him. Providing endless love to him.And being at every single concert the raven performs. Will he eventually get what he wants? Will Levi finally agree that Erwin was his soulmate…

His (Under Rewrite)

His (Under Rewrite)

3,284 48 30

Levi Ackerman is a Captain, not a normal Captain, but a Captain of the famous ship known to pirates The Ackerman. Named after his blood line, after he lost his mother to unfourtante outcomes he becomes cold. The only thing that could make him happy was sailing the oceans. He grew up by a man he considered an uncle, that is until he betrayed him. Out of self defense he ended up killing him, our story mainly follows Levi, but we can't forget the young man who Levi considered a "fake" or of royal blood, but he fell in love with the man nonetheless. His name was Eren Jaeger, well more formally known as Prince Eren. He had brunnete hair that was chocolatey and velvety, green-blue eyes like the ocean, but he was tall and fit. He was handsome to Levi, but what angered him the most was that he was an Alpha. They meet when Levi was in town for his great uncle's funeral. The Omega was on horseback, black cloak pulled on tightly as the cool air nipped at him. Gloves covered his hands, when he turned the hand to the sound of crunching of leaves he saw him. Strong green-blue eyes meet his cold blue grey stare. They meet again, but you'll have to read to find out. Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, but some are my OCs. I made the plot myself, but I got the idea from another fanfiction. Though their not the same, also this takes place in the mid 19th century, but they have a lot of things we do now.…