The Secret Childern Of The Marvel And DC Heros

The Secret Childern Of The Marvel And DC Heros

112 2 2

STARinc, a company hidden to the world. A company who work with DNA and adore all heroes. A company who made their own heroes from the DNA of various heroes. These children are unknown to those heroes and don't know it themselves either. One day they are sent on a mission by STARinc, a mission in which they end up running into the Avengers....…

Thor And Loki's Lost Daughters

Thor And Loki's Lost Daughters

4,038 58 6

Loki and Thor have loved each other for a very long time and had twin daughters from that love. The daughter's names were Thorn Lokidóttir and Lokia Thordóttir. Loki and Thor loved both daughters very much but only days after their birth they was stolen away by some unknown source. After that, Loki became spiteful and their marriage became a broken one....Years later Thor meet the Avengers and Loki tried to take over the world. The Avengers had thought it was because Loki was power hungry but that thought was thrown out the window when Thor had over heard them discussing it and had corrected them.Loki had wanted to take over the world because Loki found out, days after their daughters disappeared, that some sort of powerful human had found their way into Asgard and had stolen their daughters. After hearing this information, Tony took it upon himself to find his friends lost daughters. What will happen when Tony does find them? Kinda crossover with harry potter!…

Superbat Lemon

Superbat Lemon

6,680 98 1

This is a superbat lemon and is dedicated to my beat friend, Makayla, who absolutely loves superbat! Please enjoy and I hope you like it!…

Love Will Always Win In The End

Love Will Always Win In The End

710 23 6

A year after being imprisoned on Asgard, Loki escapes to earth. Once Thor hears the new, he immediately starts searching for him, only to find him bleeding out in an ally. It seems that Loki had tried to kill himself, but why? He had just escaped, why would he not take that as a chance to plan something evil again? What is wrong with Loki?(This story will probably be very emotional! THORKI, MPREG!)…

Next Generation Avengers: Time To Turn Back The Clock

Next Generation Avengers: Time To Turn Back The Clock

1,046 17 11

After the avenger's movie, time moved on and so did the Avengers. All of the Avengers settled down and had children. Now those children are the ages of 14 and 13, working in a team they call the Next Generation Avengers....One day on a mission, the NG Avengers(NG=Next Generation) are sent back to the past where the Avengers movie would have ended. All hell breaks loose with wild shenanigans and not so happy NG Avengers when being woken up....Life for the Avengers just got a lot more complicated.…

Fanfiction Writting Ideas!!

Fanfiction Writting Ideas!!

82 0 3

I have a ton of FanFiction story ideas but not enough time to write them! So I will place these ideas on here and if you would like to use one then message me and ask! I'll be happy to give it to you in exchange that you tell me when ever the new chapter to said stories will be out!…

Death Mission

Death Mission

3 0 3

Dusty is her one and only love, makayla has known that since they started dating. But when dusty is called off to serve the government what will happen? Especially after makayla gets some horrible news.I did not write this story, my best friend makayla did. I'm just posting it for her! Really good story, I personally think it is awesome!…