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{COMPLETED}I don't think I can stand to watch Jackson flirt with Lola anymore. Ever since he stood up for me when Popko posted that hippo video I've liked him more and more. He might not be perfect but he's sweet and kinda cute and actually funny sometimes. He tries so hard for Lola, but... will he ever notice me? Maybe if I never moved here... no. I'm glad I moved here. If I hadn't I would never have gotten to experience living in a big family and I never would've been as close with DJ, Stephanie, Tommy, Jackson, and even Max. I love it here... but I don't know if Jackson loves having me here. The thing that bugs me the most is that he said I was kinda like his sister. If only I hadn't have wasted my first kiss on Popko... and my second kiss... and my New Years kiss... I wish it could've been Jackson. But I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up.~Ramona~…