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Antisepticeye, Darkiplier, PewDIEpie, Killer Kiwi, these are only a small amount of people who are doppelgangers to the real people. They exist in another world as a different person, but look fairly similar.What if? One of the doppelgangers found a way to get out of THEIR world to control THEIR doppelganger..?My names Jada. I'm a fairly normal person and there isn't anything too interesting about me. But my dad has to get a job so of all places he picks Scotland.Once we finally move into our house, the doorbell rings and I answer. To my shock, a YouTuber I adore, Bonnie Kiwi greets our arrival. I recognize him and he recognize me. We get along as neighbors and friends in general but one day I notice something, wrong.As I look to my right I see Bonnie's house. But where his recording room is, flickering lights. A couple days ago Jacksepticeye decided to pull off a Anti skit. But something felt wrong about that video. The reactions, glitching and Anti in general felt, too real. He hasn't uploaded since that video and people are starting to get sick of his 'joke.' Others start to worry.I have Bonnie's number so I pick up my phone and call. After 3 rings straight it picks up but loud static blasts through the phone."Hello? Bonnie! Are you there?"I get nothing but static and I start to get a little worried. Taking my phone, I turn on the flashlight and knock on his door.No answer.I end up walking in his house without permission. But it's not just his recording room. The whole house has flickering lights and a creepy aura.I call out to Bonnie, but no reply. So I try to ring him again."Jada?""Bonnie whats going on?""Where are you..?""In your house. Sorry, I got worried."Bonnie becomes silent, which makes me tense up."GET OUT!""What?""Get out now, it's dangerous!"I hear a footstep behind me so I zip around to see..."OH MY..!""JADA!"…