Vasto Tenebrae - Back Story.

Vasto Tenebrae - Back Story.

8 0 1

Back Story of one of my Medieval Fantasy Role-play characters.…

Protocreed - Awakening

Protocreed - Awakening

4,406 46 11

This is a fanfiction etc. Altaïr is but captured and infected by gentek, Alex and Altaïr were in the midst of a battle with Greene and that was when Altaïr was captured. Along the line there shall be mature content so beware if you do not like yaoi don't read this. (Contains later mpreg)All fanfiction in this story is dedicated to my friend. Please enjoy I shall update when I can.…

Jacob Frye X Maxwell Roth (Werewolf AU)

Jacob Frye X Maxwell Roth (Werewolf AU)

805 12 2

When Jacob began the long partnership of working with Maxwell Roth little did he know that the blighter leader would be an Alpha leader of a pack of beta werewolves... And he had just been spun into his web. Little did Jacob know he was the Mate of an Alpha that may be his downfall to becoming a rogue...Includes mature content and likely Mpreg (Forewarning if you hate these type of fan-fictions please don't read or rant if you no likey thankies ^w^)…