The Titan Apocalypse

The Titan Apocalypse

860 31 9

The year is 2040... All threats have been erased from the Multiverse, and the Multiversal Heroes have achieved full peace. No villains of any kind, just peace and quiet....Oh, how wrong they would turn out to be...Inside the forbidden Void Dimension, the Grand God of Balance still remains trapped in there... Witherzilla...Witherzilla sees the Multiverse as corrupted and unbalanced, and he has gained back enough power to send his Titan creations out into the Multiverse to do his balancing for him, which is to turn EVERYTHING into a grey and mushy wasteland, as he attempts to find a way to get himself out.Titans have risen up, and it's time for the Multiversal Heroes to step out of retirement once more and reunite to save the Multiverse from the rampaging beasts.Witherzilla has been beaten before by the Star God known as Turco hundreds of years ago, which he and his wife Jen remember all too well. Turco has also been possessed by this God Titan in the past, which has become nothing but a very bad memory of the past. Turco has no choice but to face him once again...Can the heroes pull off one last victory? Or will Witherzilla achieve his way of balance?…

Random Stuff

Random Stuff

1,757 106 25

Mini One-Shot's sequel!…

Fury of Darkness

Fury of Darkness

138 7 2

Year: 2032In the future, all is peaceful. Our beloved Multiversal Heroes have stood up against several threats during their adventures. These villains include Xeggy, Nazo, Shadownova, Shadow Jackals, Malice, Jennifer, Dark Star, and so many more. All tried to destroy the Light, and all failed.One hero knows the Light better than the entire crew. Turco, the Star God and the Master of Truth and Light.In his childhood, Turco vowed to protect the planet and his race from anything that dares threaten it, and so far, he has kept that vow by taking down any threat, such as his sworn enemy, the Darkness.Throughout his lifetime, Turco's seen some things that he cannot unsee, both good and bad. For over 1000 years, he watched the Light evolve along with the civilizations that grew up on Earth, and eventually got a loving wife and family. He also met the group of heroes that he's a part of and has helped them take down the bad guys on numerous other occasions, even taking on the Darkness itself with his heroic friends and family.Turco's family and friends are all under the impression that the Darkness is gone and vanished forever. However... Turco secretly knows that's not true, and the Darkness is still out there, waiting for the time to attack again.Turco's suspicions and fears become confirmed when the Darkness suddenly grows in power again and spreads, under the command of the Star God's most powerful nemesis... Dark Star.Turco has battled and won against Dark Star in the past, and has no problem taking the evil deity on again, as it's his final destiny to destroy Dark Star once and for all.But he cannot do it alone... As the Darkness spreads, Dark Star becomes stronger and stronger. Turco must rely on his heroic friends and family to help him push back Dark Star and the Darkness, and destroy them for good.Will Turco prevail and complete his final destiny? Or will Dark Star finally succeed in destroying the Light?FURY OF DARKNESSLIGHT VS. DARK…

Gacha Moments: Part 2

Gacha Moments: Part 2

2,972 213 43

Comics, memes, sneak peeks, and anything Gacha in general!…



192 5 2

Do I really have to explain? No? Too bad-This is an NSFW compilation between some of the beloved heroes and sinister villains, and maybe some extras. Requests are welcome, if I'm in the mood for it.So get ready, you horny simps- Jk-DISCLAIMER: There's a very good chance that pretty much all of these are gonna be NOT CANON, unless it's an actual couple or ship in the MH (An actual couple? Most likely canon. A ship? Most likely not canon). ALSO, as if the title doesn't give it away, this book is meant for MATURE audiences. If you don't like mature content like this, don't read and leave.…

Rescuing Corrupted Snow

Rescuing Corrupted Snow

666 32 9

The little blood wolf known as Snow finds herself in danger...During a treasure hunt, Snow finds an ancient gem with tremendous power within it. Not thinking too much about it, the little wolf absorbs a little bit of the power.However... This gem was not meant to be found... As it belonged to an old enemy of the heroes...Slowly but surely, Snow becomes more and more corrupted and power hungry by the gem, and her mother Luna now finds herself going head-to-head with her own daughter.With Raiko and Clark by her side, along with an unexpected powerful ally, Luna must fight Snow's corruption and rescue her before it's too late.Will Snow be saved in time?…

Mini One-Shot.

Mini One-Shot.

16,973 623 200

This is just a mini SMG4 one-shot. Expect some memes.Smesh Arc: SMG4: Stupid Mario Kart 2 - Smesh Gains Confidence!Laura Arc: Laura...? - Laura's Ultimate Challenge.…

Multiversal Kombat

Multiversal Kombat

3,164 200 38

A universe where everything is fought Mortal Kombat style... Shadownova has taken over this universe and the Multiversal Heroes must overthrow him... But, they're not doing so well. To train, the Multiversal Heroes fight each other and the other villains to make themselves stronger so they can beat down Shadownova.Who will fight? Who will win?Mini Arcs:The Snow Arc: Snow VS. Splendid - Snow VS. LunaMajor Arcs:The MK Tournament Arc: Multiversal Kombat Tournament - ??????: ??? - ??????: ??? - ??????: ??? - ??????: ??? - ??????: ??? - ???…

Witherzilla VS. Executor Dragon

Witherzilla VS. Executor Dragon

960 17 5

A terrifying enemy escapes from the Nowhere Dimension...Executor Dragon, the Grand God of Chaos. He seeks pure destruction and chaos in the Multiverse. Anything he can't control, he will destroy. Executor Dragon will stop at nothing to achieve this goal he seeks.With him on the loose... The heroes are faced with only one option to stop him... Release Executor Dragon's brother... Witherzilla, the Grand God of Balance...Witherzilla seeks pure balance throughout the entire Multiverse, and will stop at nothing to achieve this goal. However, the heroes manage to mind control Witherzilla and have him fight for the good guys with the legendary Enchanted Golden Apples (as weird as it sounds).Two Godly Titans... Only one winner... The entire Multiverse is the battlefield...Who will win?…

Mario x Meggy: Partners In Time

Mario x Meggy: Partners In Time

8,136 189 25

Mario and Meggy were friends even in their infant years, as they always hung out and played together all day, every day in their childhood. But one day, hell breaks lose when an alien race known as the Shroobs invade the Mushroom Kingdom, and the babies are on their own...Meanwhile, in the present, adult Mario and Meggy are a couple, and Meggy has since moved in with her boyfriend. E. Gadd has a new time machine that he wanted to show off, and Princess Peach along with two of her Toad assistants use the time machine to explore the past. The time machine returns... But Princess Peach and the Toad assistants do not...It's up to Mario and Meggy to go back in time and save the princess! Who and what will they encouter in their time traveling adventure?(This is an alternate timeline, and the Meggy in this book is Inkling Meggy, in case you didn't figure it out from the cover.)…

Jennifer's Last Stand

Jennifer's Last Stand

281 22 3

It all started months ago when Anthony77 first attacked... It only escalated from there...Lapis... Delta... The SCP Foundation... Witherzilla... The T-Y... Megabug... Scarlet... Violet... The Rev-11... Ztar... Dark Star... The heroes have defeated them all...Now, only one enemy remains...Jennifer... A gal who came from the Real World makes her final move... She targets the Mirror of Mystery, claiming she needs it for completing her goal...It's the Multiversal Heroes VS. Jennifer...Can they win...? Or will Jennifer wipe them out...?…

Dark Star's Revenge

Dark Star's Revenge

1,744 153 20

(Cover made by my bro, InfiniteLeJackal. :3)Just a couple days after Megabug's defeat, Dark Star and his allies begin their attack. The war rages, and Jennifer has no intention of showing any mercy, and neither does Dark Star.The war from several centuries ago intensifies...Stars VS. ZtarsStar God Turco has had a hatred towards Dark Star ever since his birth, 1500 years ago. He knows that in order to achieve victory, Dark Star must be killed for good. But he cannot do it alone...He must call his friends and family to help take down Dark Star once and for all. Turco must protect his family, especially his pregnant wife, the Goddess of Ice, Jen. She is carrying their upcoming son, who traveled back in time from the future to stop Dark Star's rampage.Can he win? Can he protect his Stars? And the biggest question... Can he protect his loved ones from the evil Ztar God?…

Gacha Moments

Gacha Moments

18,544 1,069 200

Comics, memes, sneak peeks, and anything Gacha in general!…

Terminator T-750: Time Travel Chaos

Terminator T-750: Time Travel Chaos

305 33 5

Jennifer is starting to make some moves against the heroes. She sends her creation, the T-Y Terminator, back in time ten years, to when Laura was seven years old. The T-Y attempts to kill Little Laura.Meanwhile, present day Laura panics, saying that her memories of her childhood are going wild, so Turlandb sends the T-750 Terminator and an android robot named Penny to that same time period to investigate. Upon arrival, the T-750 and Penny realize that they have to protect little Laura from the T-Y.This was a dark time for Little Laura... Turlandb is in the Star Shrine with no clue what is happening, and Jen is feeling... Sick and insane.Can Little Laura survive?…

Multiversal Heroes: Kingdom Battle

Multiversal Heroes: Kingdom Battle

622 44 9

The war rages on, and Jennifer's next ally attacks.Megabug has returned, and he has a brand new army of Rabbid Corruptions. Except this time, the Corruptions are significantly stronger and smarter. With these new Corruptions and with Spawny's dark power, he attempts to conquer the Mushroom Kingdom for Jennifer.Megabug has an interest of his own... He feels his Corruptions are not powerful enough, so he hunts down Cristina, the powerful Gamer Girl. Megabug wants to use Cristina to make his Corruptions unstoppable.Another Kingdom Battle has begun.…

Sibling Rivalry

Sibling Rivalry

901 70 13

It's time for a war! Who is the better brother?!Turco VS. Infinite(War of the Fat Italians inspired story. No bullshit, I was binge watching WOTFI and decided to do this. XD)…

Sneek Peek: Terminator T-750

Sneek Peek: Terminator T-750

25 4 1

A sneek peek into an upcoming story!…

Dark Star: Multiversal War

Dark Star: Multiversal War

3,004 118 31

Dark Star... Has been brought back... And he has vowed revenge...So many villains... Is this a war we can win...?(An alternate dimension that takes place 35 years later)…

Turco x Jen: Insaniquarium

Turco x Jen: Insaniquarium

837 23 22

(This was a story I cut short due to my utter goddamn laziness back then. But this time, it will be different! I am remastering this story, and I'm gonna work on it until I'm satisfied with it. Like I said, I fucking LOVED this game as a little kid! Another note, this story takes place during Infinite's IXC story.)Same old, same old. 'Nother morning in the retarded Mushroom Kingdom. Turco and Jen are told that a portal has opened in the backyard. As the Star Couple along with their daughter investigate, the portal sucks them in and takes them to the Insaniquarium dimension! Soon after arriving, they realize the dimension needs desperate help.Feed fish and fight aliens!…

Witherzilla's Revenge

Witherzilla's Revenge

1,235 56 10

God Titan Witherzilla has possessed the mind of the Star God. Witherzilla wants to balance the Multiverse by eliminating half of all life. He already forced Turco to kill Snow... But Witherzilla is not done yet... Day by day... Hour by hour... Minute by minute... Second by second... Witherzilla gets closer and closer to fully possessing Turco...Can he be saved from this Titan?(Cover is not mine. It belongs to the original owner.)…