A Game of Lies

A Game of Lies

99,156 2,305 35

Lewyn "Lewy" Lannister, the bastard son of Jaime Lannister lives a fairly normal life along side his father, aunt, her children, and King Robert himself. He's soon to be fourteen, and after the Hand of the King, Jon Arryn dies, his father agrees that he can travel to Winterfell. Even though his cousin, and worst terror, Joffrey is also going, he doesn't plan to let his constant reminder that he's a bastard, and should be ever grateful to be graced with the name Lannister, but Joffreys very own father, get him down or ruin his fun. It's the very first time his father has ever let him leave Kings Landing. He plans to make the most of it. The North had always interested him, the tales of the Others. But what truly lay ahead, he'd never imagine.…

The Harlon's

The Harlon's

248 5 5

(Will add later)…

Untitled (AS OF NOW)

Untitled (AS OF NOW)

369 8 2

Experimental. May not continue.…

Like Father, Like Son

Like Father, Like Son

46 1 1

Experimental story. May change title. And I'm not sure how much I'll write. If it's something people want to read I'll continue . But yeah, Jacob "Money" Harlon is incarcerated when his young son, Jacob Jr. is only a small boy. And he hasn't seen him in ten years. Now, at sixteen, Money suddenly gets the news that his son has not only been incarcerated for possession and intent to distribute hard drugs, but he's been using them. What happens when he and the boy finally meet face to face? And is there more to the story than meets the eye? Perhaps MUCH more?…

The Shot Caller

The Shot Caller

826 12 3

A Shot Caller/Jacob Harlon inspired fan fiction. Will be loosely based off the movie. Mostly just using Money's character with some aspects from the film, but will not be exactly like the film.…



8,883 204 6

"Happy baby!", Jaime yelled, and instantly, JoJo smiled, a broad, toothy grin. "Angry baby!", Jaime said, deepening his voice, mocking an angry tone. JoJo glared, her bottom lip jutting out. "Happy baby!", Jaime exclaimed once more, and JoJo lit up once again, giggling at her father. Jaime smiled back. He'd been holding baby Joanna out, standing her up on his legs, but now he pulled her close to his chest. He'd loved the baby girl the second he'd laid his eyes on her. Loved her so fiercely that it hurt sometimes. He never had expected his life would be this way, Lord of Casterly Rock, married to Lady Corinna formerly of House Tyrin. And he never knew he could be so truly, utterly, completely happy about it. No, at first Jaime resented the idea fiercely.  He had fought it. He had nearly resented his wife, whom he now loved so entirely. He even tried to fight loving her, when the feelings started to consume him. But he couldn't deny the happiness and peace he finally felt. No, he was almost thankful that his service in the King's Guard was not carried over to the new King, Robert Baratheon, whom was married to his sister. His first love. He never thought he would be able to move on from Cersei. He still loved her dearly. She was his sister. His twin. In many ways, they did belong together. But they were forced apart, and no matter how desperately he tried to be miserable, he couldn't be. He was going to join the King's Guard once more. He was going to ensure that he stayed in King's Landing, at Cersei's side, forever. But his father had ruined that, and it was a blessing in disguise. In truth, he had not loved Cori for a long while at the start. At first, he was rather hateful towards her. And he regretted that deeply now. Still, even then, when he wanted to truly hate her, he could not. He just simply couldn't love her. Yet.…

Little Lion Man

Little Lion Man

434 17 1

It had been a fortnight since Jaime had received a raven informing him of the boy, when they arrived at the farm, just a small ways outside of Casterly Rock. Jameson, his name. His hair blonde, eyes green, and skin tanned. Twelve years of age, and sent to one of the farms where all the orphans are fostered out for food, clothes, and shelter in exchange for work as a baby, it was said by the young woman who left him that he was the bastard of Lord Jaime Lannister, now Ser Jaime Lannister, of House Lannister, the richest house in Westeros. Jaime has arrived to claim the boy, who can no longer stay as he's too wild, unruly, and disrespectful, and the old farmer nor his wife can no longer handle him. How will Jaime even get the boy, who refuses to leave willfully, back to King's Landing, and what will he even do when he gets him there? And will he even have a chance to be a father or will Lord Tywin send the boy off to be fostered, on the account of Jaime being in the King's Guard and too busy to teach the boy to be a man, before he even has the chance? If so, Jaime would only see the boy probably only a handful of times until he's a man. And what kind of father is that?…

The Lion and the Dragon

The Lion and the Dragon

5,895 164 4

There was nowhere to go, and the footsteps approached ever closer with every passing second. The dimly lit corridor was a dead end. All that stood behind her was a small chamber used to store trunks and wardrobes and other unused things. She backed against the wall, as the man came into view. A rush of relief overtook her though, as the dim light from the torches on the wall lit up the armor of  only a knight of the King's Guard. She ran forward instantly. "Good Ser, please help me-", she gasped, but as the blood splattered face came into view, eerily lit by the torches, her very blood seemed to run cold, all the color draining from her face. She took a shaky, freighted step back, as Ser Jaime Lannister stepped forward, his blood covered sword drawn and ready to kill. Rhaenaerys Targaryen backed against the wall once more. The Knight before her whom had dutifully served her uncle, King Aerys, and had even guarded her on occasion, had been the same man to take her uncle's life. He had betrayed her family. And now, as he stood, looking nearly as mad as her uncle, with blood smeared upon his armor and face, she knew she was going to die at his hands as well.…

The Kingslayer

The Kingslayer

20,333 588 7

Evalena "Evalee" Pierce, or sometimes just Eva, had her entire life change, in the blink of an eye. Her parents were arrested, and she discovered her family had been in exiled, and in hiding from the King Robert Baratheon. After being taken from the land in which she grew up, in the free city of Braavos, never to see her parents or know their fate, she was thrown on a ship, and taken to King's Landing, as a ward of the Lannister's. She was assigned handmaiden to the one and only Kingslayer himself, and that's where this story begins. **This story will contain mature content. Reader discretion advised. There will be sexual content, as well as trigger warnings for more graphic chapters, in the future. This is a Game of Thrones fanfiction, and very few things will be off limits.…