Mysterious Widow In White...

Mysterious Widow In White...

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(Reminder)This is an inspiration by the game in Roblox game = Eden Orphanage =====A girl called Dalisay along with her sister Tala meet a mysterious lady in white they thought that she breaking the dress code since the staff,workers and caregivers were only allowed to wear black since it was the only here but once they dig more in her History....They found out something really disturbing about her past and she died among the millions of workers,staff and caregivers.Why did the staff hide it from the children? Was The Lady once a staff or member of the Eden Orphanage? What did she do to deserve this?=====Read to find out what really happened to this mysterious figure and how the truth was unveiled among the two sisters.=====Warning:The Story May contain Many Characters Blood Like ExperiencesParanormal ExperiencesMany other!!!=====Unfortunately I wasn't able to add all the characters I planned in the story but I will introduce them along in the story as well as background characters too as you reading it…