Fighting a losing battle.

Fighting a losing battle.

17 1 1

Syd is 15 and living in London. This story follows the development of her life as she goes through the most painful and traumatic experiences on her own. She falls in love, gets her heartbroken, has plenty of operations, suffers with her mental health and falls in and out of love again.…

A Life of a Janoskian girl [EDITING]

A Life of a Janoskian girl [EDITING]

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A life of a Janoskian girl is hard. Especially when you're being labeled as more than one of the Janoskians Girlfriend, Which Chelsea is experiencing.Chelsea is 17, and her and Luke Brooks have been friends since they were tiny. They do what they can to make time for each other. The difficult thing is, Chelsea lives in London and Luke in Melbourne. Luke has suddenly become attracted to Chelsea since 6 months ago when they last met in London. But will Luke make his feelings known or will another Australian hunk come to the scene and sweep Chelsea off her feet?…