My High School Romance
Please read this before continuing:This is a true story. It was my story. I wrote this in 2013 about my freshman and sophomore year love life. I mainly wrote it for him. I wrote it figuring if I showed him, I would get him back. There isn't one lie in this whole story. I wrote it on my old iPhone and had just recently found it. It is in no way, shape, or form organized well. I wrote it all jumbled up together, but I just read through it and fixed up a few grammar marks and punctuation here and there. I wrote it over a time of depression, and I put 100% feeling into it. I hope you can still enjoy and understand my story. I hope to get some feedback on people that can relate to it.A little update on life right now in 2015: He and I are back together. It may seem like a stupid idea, but as you will read, you will understand that in the past, we didn't really know each other. So my advice to you is to get to know the person first. If you guys broke up over something ridiculous and stupid without even fully understanding each other, be friends first and then try again.โฆ