One sided ( love) Suga||FF__

One sided ( love) Suga||FF__

495 127 26

My heart beats for you, even if yours doesn't acknowledge it....I maybe invisible for you , but my love is unwavering...I DO LOVE YOU .... IAM JUST AFAIRD OF LOSING YOU....AND YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND THE PAIN...This is how they both don't wanting to accept what is going on and one is not giving up and the other soo....fate is something that love's to play .... Hmmm... love's to play different games with different people but the one who believe in almighty that everything will going to ease one day they will get the better reward...Just like that here a girl is waiting for her love to accept her love and the boy who love her more than anything can't accept her love he don't want to lose her....WELL WILL SEE HOW THERE FATE IS GOING TO PLAY WITH THEM....…

Self Love (Poetry )

Self Love (Poetry )

19 6 2

This poem is written by me...and its about self love... don't copy or repost it please...…