By Her Hand (A Blue Devil Short Story)

By Her Hand (A Blue Devil Short Story)

16 2 1

"By Her Hand" is a short story that is the prequel to The Blue Devil Book One and the first book of many to come in the world of the chöąts.I'm not a good person, and sometimes people forget that.They think that because I've done a few good things, I must not be as bad as everyone claims. They think it's an overstatement when people call me "devil," that I've been misjudged because of my previous actions. That's not true. The truth is that sometimes bad people do good things, and sometimes good people do bad things. The truth is that sometimes you just don't fall evenly into one category or the other.Where I land is still in question.…

The Blue Devil (Book 1)

The Blue Devil (Book 1)

3,324 210 6

The Blue Devil comes from nowhere and no one.The Blue Devil craves greed and power.The Blue Devil will be the end.The story of The Blue Devil was a thing of tall tales. A legend that each generation passed down to the one after it. The thing people prayed to their Gods about, in hopes it would never walk the earth.Their prayers weren't answered.…

How You Get The Girl

How You Get The Girl

113 6 2

Synopsis to come later.…

The Song, The Sign, The Player

The Song, The Sign, The Player

983 27 2

It's Allison Darling's senior year and she's expecting for everything to go great, but then she meets Blake Drayton. Blake who's known for being a troublemaker. Blake who's an absolute player. Blake who wants Allison and won't stop until he gets her.…

Fighting My Faith-Sample (This story is published.)

Fighting My Faith-Sample (This story is published.)

416 9 5

Imagine having everything you’ve ever loved taken away from you in the span of a month. Your best friend, your parents, your family. Your soul. That’s what happened to Delilah and now she doesn’t know what to believe in or who to trust. Because she surely can’t trust her family, or the person who was supposed to always be there for her. God.What Delilah does know is that she needs money so that she can get away from the small, righteous town where she grew up as soon as she graduates. So she joins the illegal fighting gym in town. When she encounters her broody, charming, and handsome neighbor at the gym, her life starts spinning out of control again. Only this time in a good way. Maybe. Cayden has always despised his parents. He’s never understood their devotion to the hypocritical churchgoers in their town. Especially their neighbors, if anything they’re the worst of all. So when the girl from next door shows up at the gym saying she wants to fight for money Cayden can’t help but think it’s a cruel joke, until he realizes she’s serious and there’s something wrong with her. The way she refuses to sleep at her house, the way she’s closed off sometimes, and the way she stopped going to church. Cayden has no idea what’s wrong with her, but he’s determined to find out, and help her.Cayden and Delilah are about to be tested. Can they handle the pressure, or will it be too much?…

What You Didn't Read
Fuck it All (a rant book)

Fuck it All (a rant book)

435 9 2

Alrighty people, this is going to contain more swearing than all of my books combined (and if you read my books you know that’s a hell of a lot), and my southerness is going to come up (dropping all the g’s) so lock up all the children, and make the grannies close their eyes because this is my rant book.…

Where Insanity Is Free
The Riot

The Riot

1,418 38 8

AnnaBella Caverly is a princess, luxurious right? Definitely. Too bad being royalty in this era means being vicious, evil, and hated. Not to mention your life is planned out by the people above you.The Riot is a competition between men to win the heart of the princess. Most do it for the wealth. The riot includes everything from dates to fighting to the death.It surely does make finding love much simpler.AnnaBella has been opposed to the idea of The Riot her whole life, now she's going to go through it. As much as she hates the competition she can't seem to get one of the mysterious contestants out of her head. Too bad her parents are hell bent on making sure he isn't the next prince.Will love conquer all or will blood be shed?…

The House, The Heartbreak, The Betrayer

The House, The Heartbreak, The Betrayer

158,390 4,117 21

THE HOUSE, THE HEARTBREAK, THE BETRAYER:Allison Darling thought that she wouldn't have to deal with her ex boyfriend Blake anymore until her mom announced she has to stay with him for six months in a house. Alone. Heartbroken she tries to push Blake away but he's hell bent on winning her back.…

Crazy House

Crazy House

46,838 2,189 32

A medical student.A psychiatrist drop out.A con-artist.A stripper.Oh, and lets not forget the newest addition, me..A run away.…

Never Let Go (Romantic Short Stories)
Who I Am (Non-Fiction Poem)

Who I Am (Non-Fiction Poem)

405 10 1

Poem for THE WRITER round 3…

Darling (The Writer Comp.)
Mind Explosion
The Blue Devil (OLD VERSION)

The Blue Devil (OLD VERSION)

43,658 1,882 9

THIS IS THE OLD VERSION OF THE STORY, FOR THE NEW VERSION GO TO MY PROFILE AND CLICK The Blue Devil (Book 1) or Brewer is known as the school's rebel, and bad ass of Jackson High. She gets into fights, and no one dares to challenge her. She's hardcore, and isn't afraid to say what's on her mind, or do what she wants. The only reason she hasn't been expelled is because her parents keep paying off the principal. The Blue Devil is a woman that everyone on the streets fear. She's the leader of the "Hell's Angels" a local gang. She's quick with a switch blade, and believes in bringing guns to a knife fight if it gives her the upper hand in a battle. She's known for being ruthless, and killing without a second thought. Her name was given to her because of her blue hair, and ruthlessness. The thing is she's only 16. London Reeves is the new student at Jackson High and the principal's nephew. He's hell bent on irritating Audrey and becoming the most feared person in the school. He's not the only new student either, there's a whole group of other guys who came with him, and they're going to turn the school upside down, and "Hell's Angels." If you haven't pieced it together Audrey is The Blue Devil, and boy is she about to face hell. MATURE LANGUAGE WILL BE IN THIS BOOK. © copyright 2013 All Rights ReservedTHIS IS THE OLD VERSION OF THE STORY, FOR THE NEW VERSION GO TO MY PROFILE AND CLICK The Blue Devil (Book 1) or…



82 3 2

This is a new book I've started to challenge my writing. People suggest stuff for me to write and I put it here to try to improve my writing skills:)Started: May 10,2013ENJOY, THIS BOOK WILL CONTAIN SOME CRAZY CHIZ...…

Inside Her Eyes Writing Comp.

Inside Her Eyes Writing Comp.

114 4 1

A short story for a writing comp.…



818 17 1

BOYS IN THE SUMMERIf I never wouldn't have taken my brother to hat stupid beach I wouldn't have met him. No, I had to get a summer job out by the beach and dad wanted me to take my brother out so he wouldn't be locked up in the house. If I would've taken him to the other side of the beach I wouldn't have been knocked into the water. I wouldn't have come close to drowning. He wouldn't have come to say me. I would've never met Ayden Sumpson.Dawn Michaels has to get a summer job to show her parents she's responsible after an accident she had. Never one from the heat Dawn sets out to find a job on the cool inside. She ends up at Daniel's Summer Reatreat -a shop that sells everything involving the summer-. One day Dawn's father makes her take her brother out to the beach. Some idiot decides to push Dawn into the water, she almost drowns but is saved by a lifeguard, Ayden.Ayden loves the summer time, he loves the hit girls in bikinis, the ocean, and the cool treats. Needing something to do for the summer he takes a job as a lifeguard. He planned on saving damsels in distress knowing in return they would admire him. When he saves Dawn from drowning she does everything but admire him.…