The Shopkeeper

The Shopkeeper

633 25 11

When Midoriya's quirk came in, it was something even greater than he had ever imagined it would be. It granted him the powers of a witch. Not like magical girls, or movies, or the ever-popular books series. Midoriya developed wish magic. Specifically, the ability to know who has a wish, when they will come by, and how to grant their wish. Maybe his quirk wasn't suited for his original dream, but all Midoriya had ever wanted was to help people. As a wish-granter and a shopkeeper, that dream has come true. Welcome to Midoriya's Wish Shop, where wishes come true. For a price...Inspired by xxxHolic. Basically, Midoriya is Yuuko, but if her powers were a quirk and not actually magic and supernatural abilities.…

A Split In The Path

A Split In The Path

308 13 11

When Twoie accidentally came to the past by messing with Amethyst's janky hourglass, he was happy. He was happier than he was in his timeline. He was needed. He was helpful. But it never crossed his mind that the gems were suspicious of him due to the circumstances of his arrival. Twoie had learned a long time ago that things could always get worse. So why did it always surprise him?Spin-off of Chapter 11 and 12 of Templeschool. Written so it can be read as a stand-alone story. Periodic updates, probably monthly. Based on a request by Clinohumite, "What-if the gems thought Twoie wasn't who he said he was and accidentally killed him?"TW: Temporary Character Death, Injury, Blood…

Templeschool: Office Hours

Templeschool: Office Hours

72 4 6

Although the hourglass that brought him to the past has been fixed, Twoie has decided not to go home just yet. His world is peaceful due to the end of the second gem war and the redemption of the diamonds. Both events have yet to occur in Steven's time. What kind of older brother would he be if he didn't stick around to help his little brother and their family out? With the war beginning to escalate Twoie and Steven will soon be facing trials that are harder than ever. They will have to rely on help from each other and their ever-growing family to survive.Sequel to Templeschool…



1,764 161 59

After being sent back in time, Twoie lives with Steven and the Gems in the Beach House. Although it's been nice having so much free time, Twoie is starting to feel restless. He really wants to do something around the temple since the gems are always so busy, and Steven is left by himself more often. He's always enjoyed teaching, maybe he should offer to homeschool Steven? He might even learn a little more about himself in the process.Based on and written for @sutimetravelau's Time Travel AU on Tumblr. Tags will be added as story progresses. Pre-Steven Universe Future Episode: Prickly Pair, Post-Steven Universe Future Episode: Little Graduation. Post-Steven Universe Season 2 Episode: Keystone Motel…

Am I A Monster?

Am I A Monster?

130 3 1

Steven never meant to hurt anyone. He was scared. He wanted help. But now, he's made everything worse. Steven knows he's corrupting. They're calling him a monster. Is he?Updated 11/11/20 Based on "Monster" from the Frozen Musical. Story is written like a musical.…

Starring Roles In Their Own Tragedies

Starring Roles In Their Own Tragedies

178 5 3

Twoie has always been very cautious about the future. He's scared of changing the past too much, so he does his best to only tell the Crystal Gems things he thinks they need to know. However, for all his safeguarding, he accidentally lets something slip. That was all they needed to validate their suspicions of him.Based on @sutimetravelerau's Tumblr blog. Alternate Universe where Steven from Steven Universe Future is sent back in time to Season 2 of Steven Universe.…

Amongst The Reeds

Amongst The Reeds

50 0 7

Rumors have been circulating of a ghost in the nearby town. Long, black hair curtains her face and she's as grey as a dense fog. If you are unfortunate enough to encounter her, you may end up drowned in the lake. Of course, that means Dib needs to check the place out. And he'll be dragging Gaz and Zim along for the ride. Based on the anime Ghost Stories (Episode 14) and Esthyradler's Ghost Stories AU on Tumblr. Beta read by Esthyradler.…