Man Of My Dreams

Man Of My Dreams

41 0 6

I Am Sharlene Aichelle Rou.Before i don't believe in love,BeforeI thought that love is sucks.But allOf that change because of Denis Guererro.I am glad that i have a second life.Where i can change my wrong and make it right.It's not that easy to be loved or loving.I thought that when you finally inlove everything will be easy.But i was wrong.I don't know why am i always dreaming about the girl from the history or past.i don't know why everytime i see Matthew everything is on spot,and something i dream is like what happened on me.Something's gonna be finally filled.…

Gosh!So Annoying
My Fairly Life

My Fairly Life

11 0 2

Hi i am Scarlett Dawn Hensay,Before i was so happy because i am a fairy.A Fairy that has a own world.A fairy that can't be loved by human.A fairy that can do everything she wants because of her power.A fairy that the only problem is not to be loved by human.Because when you loved human.You will not exist in any world anymore.But i was stupid i loved a human.…