Love Across Time

Love Across Time

179,904 10,568 111

"Two Hearts Intertwined Across Different Eras"Aanya, once living a life so plain,A simple existence, her heart not quite enthralled.But fate, with its whims, would soon conspire,And send her on a journey through time and space.To the era of the Mahabharat,When heroes and kings, their tales did attain.What if she, a mere mortal, could play,A role in this epic tale, in a way that's grand?What if she fell in love with the greatest archer of all time,A legend whose name still shines bright?Would their love story end in joy or tragedy,Like so many others in this epic fight?But let us not forget, this is a story,Of love and loss, and the battle that's forever.Through it all, we'll embark on this fantastical journey,And find ourselves, in a world of wonder.Earlier Called: The Girl who changed the History: A time travel romance set in Mahabharat…

The Unexpected Bride : Mahabharat

The Unexpected Bride : Mahabharat

2,903 252 7

"The Mahabharata you never knew. Reimagined. Rewritten.'Adhiratha and Radha, the loving parents of Karna, raise another child, Parthavi, a fiery soul who sees her adopted brother as a warrior without equal. Their bond is unwavering, a beacon of loyalty amidst the whispers of Karna's true lineage.Fate, however, takes an unexpected turn. Through a twist of circumstance, Arjun finds himself bound to marry Parthavi. Thrust into a world vastly different from her humble beginnings, Parthavi yearns to prove her worth. Yet, an even greater challenge lies ahead, can she bridge the distance between her brother and her new husband, forging a bond where rivalry has festered? Or will her presence exacerbate the tension, creating turmoil where unity is desperately needed? As the winds of destiny shift, Parthavi finds herself at the center of a maelstrom, caught between loyalty and a love that blossoms in the most unexpected place. Will she become the bridge that unites warring factions, or will her presence ignite a fire that consumes all? Dive into this epic saga, a reimagining of the Mahabharata where love, loyalty, and destiny clash in a battle for the ages.…