The Ulfhednar

The Ulfhednar

7 0 1

Eren breathed out "God I need a fucking cigarette pretending to be human is such a pain in the ass but now I have something I want and I intend to keep him" "Who?""Levi" "They'll try to take him" "Don't you think by now people would understand that if you take what I want from me there's no stopping my monster""It won't matter""Oh I know but unleashing him makes it all the better after all what would be the fun in an easy slaughter even if its a child" "What will you do to her"Eren turned around to Armin "Hmmm I'll figure something out to get rid of the Kreaturen" after his spoken words Eren pulled his cigarette pack out and took the last one in his hands. He cupped his mouth and sparked his lighter. "What about him""He'll thank me" Taking a drag he wondered why he thought this century would be fucking fun. He breathed out a smoke filled chuckle spreading the toxin."Have fun cousin" Armin patted his shoulder. "Oh I intended to, the slaughter has begun" With that they faded into the night.…

I call bullshit

I call bullshit

121 11 4

Levi is not your regular omega he's short rude owns his own company doesn't take shit well at work at least when he's home alone he becomes this shy omega that doesn't think he's cute and diffently not sexy but with a friend like Hangi and a sister like Mikasa he'll get by and then Eren Yeager comes home from college and suddenly he's going to work late in a supposed love triangle in car chases falling in love and the worst or best part is its only been a week how will jw survive. God help this omega.…

Come to the dark side

Come to the dark side

17 1 1

Levi had no idea how he got into this mess actually he does but what he does know was that he was just sacrificed to a hot demon that was now chasing him through the forest…

my bonds

my bonds

14 0 2

Levi Ackerman is one of the last Ackerman witches along with his family, but don't think just cause he's a witch he doesn't have a life, which includes going to college. Even then, he didn't expect to meet not one but two handsome brothers who happen to be the Yeager twins who may or may not be hybrids . At first he really doesn't know what they see in him but the more he learns about them the more he realizes about himself and maybe he's worth something but you should never get to comfortably you never know what lurks in the dark…

ancient eternal

ancient eternal

8 0 3

being an ancient creature is not easy being immortal, even less so living without a mate I something no one should go through God thought I didn't deserve a mate I was a creature of envy and destruction I killed thousands and lived long I left home and made a new one in hell I became a prince and I lived in agony for a thousands more years I thought I would never find love for who I was for who could love the fallen who would love a monster then I met eren my lux and I knew love and I would have an eternity with himI had pain since I was born I lost my mother and my siblings to a monster in my father's skin I lost my way and my will to live I gave up but my goddess sis not give up on me I learned to live and move on from my pastband when I was alone again I was okay this time the when I met Levi I knew I would be safe I knew I could be strong because he believed I could be I knew we would be eternal what will too pieces do when they come together will they fit together or will they break more…