Beyblade Burst Union Sketchbook

Beyblade Burst Union Sketchbook

154 0 36

A new tournament is being held in Europe and various countries across the continent are partaking in it to see which representative will win for their country.This is a sketchbook to show the concepts of characters i'm making for a future story if it's well received. The fanfic and characters were based on the European Song Contest "Eurovision". Before diving into the story and such, i'd like to hear your opinions about the characters and their background. If anything has to be changed, please tell me what the problem is. Any criticism will be taken to account and applied to the character and their background if possible.(This sketchbook and the story are not a reflection on what i think should've happened in Eurovision. It is merely made for fun purposes and for people to express their opinions. Please be civil in the comments and do not cause trouble.)…