The Dump

The Dump

803 14 39

A place for all the random stanzas that flow through my mind. My life in free verse. I try to write at least one poem a week, so they will be added as they're finished. In the meantime, PLEASE comment. Praise is nice, but constructive criticism helps me to improve. As I always say: "I don't care if you call it the worst thing you've ever read, so long as you tell me why you hate it." Do keep in mind, though, none of these poems are edited. Enjoy! :-D…

The Graveyard

The Graveyard

244 30 15

Please don't read this yet unless your name is Dani.…

Letters to Me

Letters to Me

116 1 5

This will be a collection of letters that I will write to myself to remind myself why I do, study, or love someone or something important. They won't be written to be poetic, but they might end up sounding like it anyways. I'm posting it in case anyone needs motivation or is just interested in the way I think.…

Winged Things

Winged Things

261 22 13

An eclectic collection of my favorite poems, with credit given to the authors.…

They Promised Us Utopia

They Promised Us Utopia

34 0 4

A random idea I had. I apologize for the bad execution, but I still think the idea is neat. Comments are always welcome…

The Library

The Library

72 5 3

This is to be a collection of poems, tales about the stories that have made me who I am today.…

Cradle to the Grave

Cradle to the Grave

159 9 2

In the future, corporations rule. Radiation from a nuclear war called the Blitz has made humanity barren. Children are company property, manufactured in a lab. For the most part everything runs smoothly, but every manufacturing process has its glitches. This is the story of one such glitch, a boy who dared to dream of owning himself.…

Why I Ride
The Giver fanfic -EDITING IN PROGRESS-

The Giver fanfic -EDITING IN PROGRESS-

2,647 100 5

This is a fanfiction of The Giver, but it isn't your typical alternate ending oneshot. No, this is the story of a young Twelve named Katya who discovers the horrible truth about release. Please comment. ~ Maria Hope…

Vanishing Day

Vanishing Day

451 17 5

14-3 has lived her entire life in a white building. She, and thousands of others, think that this building is the entire world. They are slaves, but they don't know it. This is all they have ever known, and they don't even know HOW to question it. 14-3's entire life has been exactly the same, and it will never change. Or will it?…

A Tribute to Roger Lloyd Pack

A Tribute to Roger Lloyd Pack

31 0 1

This is a tribute to the late Roger Lloyd Pack, also known as Bartimaeus Crouch Sr. We raise our wands in farewell. May he rest in peace.…



64 4 1

They say home is where the heart is. But sometimes, the heart lingers among the ashes of a home. This is a poem I wrote about my home that burned down. Comments and/or constructive criticism are welcome ~ Maria Hope…

Curiosity Killed The Girl

Curiosity Killed The Girl

22 1 1

This is a bit of backstory on one of my characters, 14-3 from Vanishing Day. The first time she broke the rules, it didn't go so well... comments welcome.…

Wild Girl (edited frequently)

Wild Girl (edited frequently)

42 5 1

I am a wild girl. This is my first published poem on Wattpad. For the others who belong with the wild creatures. Constructive criticism welcome. ~ Maria Hope…



23 1 1

A tribute to Authors. Constructive criticism welcome.…

My OC's

My OC's

196 3 3

This is a book of my original characters, mostly from fanfictions, but a few from my original stories will be added as they progress. They are all works in progress, and if you have any recommendations for changing them, please comment. I will consider your recommendation, and who knows, you might change one of my stories! There's plenty of time for that, as the stories of these characters have not been published yet.…

Believe, Dream, Inspire

Believe, Dream, Inspire

50 1 1

This is a poem I wrote for a school competition. It won, so I thought I would share.…

Matched Trilogy Inspired Poems

Matched Trilogy Inspired Poems

372 10 2

This is a book of poems inspired by Ally Condie's Matched trilogy.…

Tobias's P.O.V. : Insurgent Fear Serum Scene

Tobias's P.O.V. : Insurgent Fear Serum Scene

2,896 21 1

This is the fear serum scene from Insurgent by Veronica Roth in Tobias's P.O.V. please comment.…