Rules on the Fridge [A BBC Sherlock Holmes Fanfiction] (Completed)

Rules on the Fridge [A BBC Sherlock Holmes Fanfiction] (Completed)

943 30 13

♪ First Names are for Lovers ♪Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, living in a dated, shared flat with bullet holes in the wall, a skull on the mantle, and an absolutely catastrophic kitchen. It wasn't hard to get along, usually. John could handle Sherlock's bluntness and absolute disregard - or lack of knowledge - for people's feelings or sentiment. And Sherlock could handle John's questions about everything he said.John Watson: An army doctor, stationed in Afghanistan, shot in the leg, put out of commission. Psychosomatic limp; magically gone when he went on a case with Sherlock.Sherlock Holmes: High-functioning sociopath, and the only Consulting Detective in the world. He could read people, he could see crimes in the crime-scene; he could win.♫ ♫ ♫Sherlock Holmes went off the rails. He did an experiment that got him hospitalized after John found him on the scene.Lines were crossed. Rules were made. Everything was on the line - concentration on cases slowly dwindled, priorities were mixed, and absolutely everything was spinning.♫ ♫ ♫Good habits, bad habits, and everything in between. You have good habits, sure, and they have to be balanced out with bad habits.For most people, that's taking your vitamins every day crossed with cracking your knuckles.For Sherlock Holmes that was catching criminals and putting his life at serious risk every time.♫ ♫ ♫…

Supernatural Shorts

Supernatural Shorts

11 0 3

Some short stories based upon the Supernatural series, all unconnected unless otherwise indicated. Enjoy! Most of them will be based around Destiel (and most of those will be fluff) but I'll shake it up every now and again and change things. Anything passed embrace/touching will be called out as a warning in bold at the beginning of the part, but usually I don't delve into such things.Thanks for reading!-SmotheredPsycho…

Green Eyed Demons [Loki Fanfiction] (Hiatus)

Green Eyed Demons [Loki Fanfiction] (Hiatus)

25 1 2

[unfinished cover]Warnings:Major Character DeathGraphic ViolenceSelf-HarmSelf-HatredThoroughly Depicted Insanity--------Kerensa found herself on the stairs leading to the Asgardian Palace, her heart beating slowly and her breaths even slower. But her family-line allowed her to be taken into the palace for a short time to be nursed back to health. This led to unexpected and spontaneous events, ending with her living within castle walls as the newest member of the Odinson family.--------Loki has always had bad intentions. So what would ever change? Maybe his accuracy on how to influence others with his intentions - to bring them under his wing as his apprentice. This is exactly what he plans, and executes, with the Odinson's family's newest member Kerensa.--------When a girl who's father served Asgard's army until his untimely end is outcast to starve, she's taken in by Asgard's royal family to repay the debt from the many years of unfathomable, loyal service from her father.…