Misogyny And The Fetishization Of Queer Identities In Fanfiction

Misogyny And The Fetishization Of Queer Identities In Fanfiction

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If you participate in fandom, then you probably have some awareness of how people obsess over queer relationships and often horribly misportray them. But why is that? What leads fanfiction writers and other content producers to fetishize gay identities, whether they know they're doing it or not? Let's find out, because there are answers.…

All Hell

All Hell

3 0 2

Just some dads and their quest to overthrow God. Fun features include copious amounts of heavy metal and alcohol/drug use (sometimes simultaneously), Ozai's rap career, Anakin Skywalker's furry harem, penis firebending (yes, again), an omniscient being trapped inside a pool noodle, and motherfucking VIKINGS. Mega crossover.…