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More than a hundred years ago the world as we know it went into chaos. The population hit more than 12 billion and resources became a shortage. A third of the worlds population began to starve and wars over oil was changed to wars over food and water supply. World War 3 began.Many countries began to set rules. Only able to have one child per family. Then it changed to no children at all. People became furious. Saying that the govenment had no right taking away children at birth and murdering them. The world went into complete darkness. Countries became over-run and the only stable countries left was United States, Japan, and Russia.These countries began to work together. They created a new water and food supply. Fruits, meats, and grains was produced. Now enough food to feed the world.However, over time the new produced water began to create bad symptoms to many people around the world. And this is when the demonic age began.…