The First Born Queen - A Descendants Spinoff

The First Born Queen - A Descendants Spinoff

1,806 64 22

Twenty years ago, there was barrier that separated the Isle of Lost home of most infamous villains from your beloved fairytales and Auradon home of your noble kings, queens and their kind sidekicks. However, four very special villains' kids that are better known as the VKs got the chance of a lifetime to live out a happily ever after on Auradon. My story started sixteen years ago when Auradon had it's first born queen, well soon to be queen.My name is Savannah Rose, the princess of Auradon and daughter of King Benjamin and Queen Mal, granddaughter of Beast, former queen Belle, Hades and Maleficent. Quite the unusual family if I do say so myself. I am the heir to the throne and soon to be queen. My coronation is a couple weeks away on the winter solstice when the first snowflake falls. Now enough about me, let's about my royal entourage.My best friend is Desyiree Leigh she is the daughter of one my mother's best friends Jay who is currently the Captain of the Guard and Lonnie. That makes her the granddaughter of Mulan, Li Shang, Jafar and other grandmother is unknown. Our squad is just like our parents, two girls and two boys. Those two boys are Charles the son of Jane and Carlos, grandson of Fairy Godmother and Cruella De Vil, thankfully he bippidi boppidi barks up the right tree. And our final member of the squad is Duke, the son of Evie and Doug, grandson of Evil Queen and Dopey. Although our parents are VKs living the Auradon life, we are both VK and Auradon, the perfect split but we still may be rotten to the core.Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from the original franchise. I only own the characters I created. This would be Charles De Vil, Desyiree Leigh, Duke, Prince Asher, Prince Garrison and Princess Savannah Rose and the plots related to them that I create…

Deep Blue

Deep Blue

78 14 5

"girls wait up" I yelled as I ran trying to keep up. it was late at night and trying to navigate the dock. One wrong step and into the lake you went. There were stories of this lake about people falling in and that was the last of them. No trace at all. It seemed like they just disappeared. There was a part of me that wonder what happened. Like it was just a lake it wasn't like the deep blue of the ocean. I stopped and looked out at the water. I could still hear their footsteps, so I wasn't that far behind. However, all the problems were when people fell in, what if I willingly went in? what would happen, I thought as I neared closer to the end of the dock.Sa…