The Thrilling Tale of a Knight Reborn - VTubers x Reader
Second version! Now let's hope I don't abandon this one too...…
Second version! Now let's hope I don't abandon this one too...…
I was reading DonutKakyoin's story and was so enamored with it when all of a sudden I reached the current end of the second book. I was loving the story so far, and thought "Hey, why not write my own?" I'm not the best writer, and updates might be rather infrequent, though I do hope you enjoy it all the same.Images I may use are not mine. No challenge of ownership is implied.…
Written by a 13 y/o who just wants his life to end and another 13 y/o who eats cardboard straws. Both are somehow just as much of a dumbass as the other.Photos from the internet, they're not ours.…
DISCLAIMER: This story is a somewhat dark (and inaccurate) AU. Viewer discretion is advised.A bad memory from James' past comes back to haunt the mixed-traffic engine, and it's up to Edward to help him overcome the memory that so painfully plagues him.This story is a one-shot, pretty short. There will be no continuations to it.…