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(Shouldn't normally have to say this but here goes- I do not own The Owl House or anything related to it. This book does not show any cannon of the show or any media depicting The Owl House, with that said; to the summary)Morris always despised wild magic. After all, no coven would nearly level an entire building for no reason; catching many people within the blast, including some very Important to him.The coven system he'd always seen as just. It signified order among all witches. Showing that everyone could fit in somewhere. Almost everyone.It doesn't take long for Morris to discover something about himself. About his magic. His magic; it was weak. He had little to none of it. However, then a figure from the stars met him, simply known as the Seeker, who bestowed his own magic upon Morris. But this magic wasn't any sort he'd seen. It did not come from bile stored within one's heart, nor did it come from the Titan. Instead, it harnessed the expanse of stars and space far in the sky. Cosmic magic.But that's a story for another time. Or actually, right now. So let's begin his story shall we?A/N: also I would appreciate it if you could leave a comment and favorite the chapters you enjoyed, it helps a lot with getting this book more widespread. With that, I hope you all have a good day, and happy reading…