In the future, humanity has developed a multi-sport tournament known as the Iron League, in which the players are AI-powered robots instead of humans. The competition is wildly popular. However, its main support comes from the Dark Organization, a group that produces cheating Iron League members who use dirty and violent tactics in games as a sure ticket to fame and popularity. While the sports community has devolved into a dangerous and bloody competition, Silver Castle, the team with the lowest winning percentage, attempts to preserve the true spirit of sports by playing sports according to their original rules without cheating or violence. The fate of the team, as well as that of the Iron League itself, changes when two Iron League members (Mach Windy, the former star striker of Dark Prince FC and Magnum Ace, a mysterious but skilled baseball player) join Silver Castle and slowly lead the team back to its forgotten glory. However, it's not all fun and games; As the story progresses, it is revealed that the Iron League is actually a front for something far more sinister...Mother... a mother would do anything to keep her children safe and secure... that's what Y/N always thought being the nurse of a former American football team but after that accident the producers fired her so as not to cause more drama, but a man named Ricardo ended up making Y/N the nurse of Silver Castle, Y/N only had one thing in mind which was two things. "Take care of the patients and her beloved son". Y/N will do anything to keep her son Fast Track safe but what would she say that those will be prevented by enemies from different leagues and from her own team... "I just want to keep my own child safe."…