Pokémon Naruto & Dragon Ball Z Episode 1 The Enemies join Forces
Pokemon XY&Z Episode 1 Kalos League

Pokemon XY&Z Episode 1 Kalos League

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This is my first XYZ Enjoy.…

Pokémon XY
Pokémon XYZ episode 1 Pokémon World

Pokémon XYZ episode 1 Pokémon World

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Hey guys enjoy this story it it about me & my wish.…

Pokemon Mystery dungeon Crossover episode 1

Pokemon Mystery dungeon Crossover episode 1

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The Pokémon of Kanto Johto Hoenn Sinnoh & Kalos Join together for the first time ever. Thus bringing a new strong threat to the world The heroes must all work together to put an end to this destruction.…

Pokémon XY Episode 2 the Rescue

Pokémon XY Episode 2 the Rescue

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Pikachu:This can't be Happening. Pancham:Chespin is actually gonna get killed. Eevee:We gotta get to where Chespin is. But Where? Pancham:I know where he is. Pancham takes out a Holographic Map Pancham:Here. In Death Cave. Pikachu:Death Cave? Eevee: But that place is too dangerous Strongest pokémon are there. Pancham:Don't worry You can dig our way in. Eevee:Wait that's right. Pikachu:Good Plan. Eevee:Let's go. Meanwhile... Chespin:You'll never get away with this. Bisharp:They might have dug their way in but let's see how they do against my androids. Chespin:Androids? Bisharp then created a human Android. Chespin:No way! Impossible! There are no humans in this world anymore. Bisharp:But I can make them. Bisharp:Take them down. Androids then go after Pancham, Pikachu & Eevee. Eevee:Guys, We are Sorrounded. Pancham:3 on 3 We can take them. Then one Android Fires Heat vision. Pancham Intercepts with Dark Pulse. Pikachu uses Electro Ball on another. Eevee finishes with Iron Tail.…

Pokemon XYZ & Mega Sonic Bros af episode 3 Heartless Amy

Pokemon XYZ & Mega Sonic Bros af episode 3 Heartless Amy

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After The Entire back Story of Sonic Shadow & Tails Came to an end the Evil Amy appears. Eevee:That's not Amy is it? Chespin:No It's Heartless Amy. Heartless Amy Did a Barrage of Punches & Spikes on Eevee while the others were defeated. Eevee was Bleeding. Chespin:Eevee! He ran over to her. Chespin:No no no. Why? My best friend? Sonic:I love you Amy! Amy came to her senses. While the others were teleported away The other Pokémon teleported to the exact same place were the others are. Chespin:Eevee I'm so sorry. I was desperate to save you. I Don't want you to Evolve. You're the last Eevee I can look up and trust to. Eevee:I...know...&...I... With those words Eevee Went Unconscious. Chespin:No no this can't be! Chespin Listened to the child's heartbeat. She was still breathing. Chespin:after all those attacks. she's still... Breathing! Chespin Held Eevee on his chest & Ran away to safety. Chespin:Eevee... Chespin put Eevee down gently & looked for something.…

Pokemon XY Episode 1 A Plan To destroy The Ultimate Eater

Pokemon XY Episode 1 A Plan To destroy The Ultimate Eater

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Eevee was on her own training until someone came to warn her Eevee:The Eaters have invaded our world? There in Shinjuku Tokyo She was face to face with an eater the one who eats data of the digital world. But then Chespin made it just in time. Chespin:You think I would let you do this alone? Eevee:Thanks! The battle started it was the Eater vs Chespin & Eevee. Eevee:Swift! Chespin:Pin Missile! The Eater blocked & Absorbed the attacks. Arata:Be careful the eater can get stronger if you use special attacks. Chespin:You're telling me that now? Eevee:We're only getting started! During the battle The eater has transformed into the ultimate eater. Eevee:It transformed? Chespin:It so strong! The Eater used it's strongest attack on Eevee. Chespin:No! Chespin ran into the attack blocking it for his friend. Eevee:(Gasp) Chespin No! Chespin was not in a coma he has the Eden Syndrome. The eater leaves. Eevee Ran over to Chespin. Eevee:Chespin! Wake up Chespin! Yuugo: It's no good.…

Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon episode 1 The Nightmare is Real

Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon episode 1 The Nightmare is Real

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Chespin & Eevee Were enrolled in a school. When it was over something went wrong at night. Chespin:Where am I? ???:In a world where I will kill you. The Monster Grabbed Chespin & Left with him somewhere far away from the village & School. Next Morning... Eevee:Everyone Chespin is gone! Pancham:Gone Simipour:What do you mean? Eevee:He slept with me at night then out of nowhere something took Chespin away. Next thing I knew he was gone. I would call him but then the creature would come after me. Pancham:Was it a Pokémon? Eevee:No I could not make it out. Watchhog:Ok we find the little guy & Rescue him. All:Ok! Eevee:I think it was a Human. All:Oh. Chespin:What do you want with me? ???:I am gonna kill you so no one will know where you are. Chespin:Wait You're Toto the Mockingbird. Toto:Well Someone's Smart. Toto:I will have to take care of your friends first. Then Toto dissapears along with the Wretched Egg. Toto & The Wretched Egg stopped the entire class. Toto attacks them…

Pokemon XY & Lab Rats VS Mighty Med episode 3 Chespin the Hero

Pokemon XY & Lab Rats VS Mighty Med episode 3 Chespin the Hero

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Chespin:Yeah. Chase scans Chespin Chase:Guys Chespin activated his ability Overgrow. Bree:Incredible! Skylar:So that's how you defeated the Incapacitater by yourself. Chespin:Yeah! At Mighty Med Chespin:That battle was Tiring. Chespin decided to sleep next to Chespie who was still in a coma. Bree:They're so cute sleeping together. Chase:True. Adam:The coma! Chase isn't there a cure for it? Chase:Sorry No! Bree:So Chespie is gonna stay in the coma until he wakes up. Chase:I Don't know how long it's gonna take for him to wake up. Let's just take him home. Chase hugs Chespie who's still in a coma while Bree super Speeds them home. Davenport:So no cure for a coma? Chase:Sorry no. Chespin:He's so peaceful. Adam:Chespie is gonna be in a coma for how long? Chase:I don't know but there is no way to wake him up. Bree:Poor Chespie. Chespin Slept next to his twin brother. Davenport:We can't wake him up. He's been in a coma for days now. Chase:The Coma there's no cure for it. Chespin:I see.…

Pokemon XY & Lab Rats VS Mighty Med episode 2 Chespin vs Incapacitater

Pokemon XY & Lab Rats VS Mighty Med episode 2 Chespin vs Incapacitater

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Chespin:Mighty Med. Chase:Guys look. Chespie is glowing from a strange aura. Bree:Set him on the bed. Adam:Where's Chespin? Chase:He went to fight the Incapacitater on his own! Bree:He's gonna end up the same way as Chespie! Leo:We have to stop him. Kaz:Too late he's already at the Eiffel Tower of Las Vegas. Chase:C'mon let's go! At Las Vegas... Chespin:You're gonna pay for what you did to my brother! Incapacitater:If you wanna end up the same way so be it! Chespin fires a Pin Missile at the Incapacitater but he absorbed it. Incapacitater counters the attack by hitting him with an Energy Field. Chespin was weakened severely. Incapacitater:Good Riddence Child! Then Chespin activates his ability giving him the power to stand up. Chespin:It's over. Incapacitater:What's the meaning of this? Chespin fires a seed bomb attack at the Incapacitater defeating him. Leo & the others Arrive. Chespin still had the ability activated. Leo:Chespin defeated... Chase:The Incapacitater... Bree:On his own.…

Pokemon XY & Lab Rats VS Mighty Med episode 1 Chespie's  Coma

Pokemon XY & Lab Rats VS Mighty Med episode 1 Chespie's Coma

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Donald & The others were Checking out a device when Kaz Oliver & The Chespin Duo Arrived at Bionic Academy. Chespin:Hey Guys. Oliver:Who might you guys be? Chespin:I'm Chespin & this is my twin brother Chespie. Chespie:Nice to meet you. Then the Duo overhear Chase & go to Investigate. Just as Chase was about to get blasted Chespie leaped & Took the hit for him falling into a coma in the process. Incapacitater:I've taken care of one of your creature friends. This world will plunge in eternal Darkness. Chespin:Chespie! Chase:He took the hit for me. Chespin:He... Chase:He's fallen to a coma. Chespin:No! This can't be! Chase:Guys Chespie's been attacked by the Incapacitater. They went to check on Chespie. Davenport:He's in a coma. Chespin:What are we gonna do? If we Don't save him from the coma then he will be like this forever never to wake up! Kaz:We can save him. Oliver:Leave it to us. Davenport:Ok go! Chespin:I'm really worried about him. Davenport:Don't worry they will figure it out.…

Pokemon XY & Tokyo Ghoul episode 1 Chespin & Chespie vs Ghoul

Pokemon XY & Tokyo Ghoul episode 1 Chespin & Chespie vs Ghoul

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Chespin was in a forest when he met himself. Chespin:You're me! Chespie:Isn't it obvious? Chespin:Comes a lot coming from me. Chespie:C'mon let's go. The Duo went to a dimension of Half Human & Ghoul. Chespie:By the way I'm Chespie. Chespin:Seriously? My name does not end with an e. Chespie:It was not me. Chespin:True. Then a Ghoul came up to them. Ghoul:I'm gonna kill you twins. Chespin:Twin? Chespie:Yeah we look alike. Chespin:No way! Ghoul:Die! The Chespin brothers dodge the attack. Chespin & Chespie:Pin Missile! They hit the ghoul at the same time. Ghoul:Raah! Chespie:Here he comes! The Ghoul Attacks the Chespin duo using his weapon. Chespin & Chespie Crash into the ground unconscious. Ghoul:Is that it? What a dissapointment. The Ghoul leaves the Duo alone together. Chespin & Chespie finally wake up. Chespin:Who was that Chespie? Chespie:A ghoul. Chespin:Ghoul? Chespie:Yeah all I know is that they are way stronger than us both. Chespin:No way! Chespie:I know!…

Pokemon XY & Mega Sonic Bros af episode 2 Team Shadow

Pokemon XY & Mega Sonic Bros af episode 2 Team Shadow

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Eevee & The others were on their way to fight Team Shadow but Team Shadow already found them. Amy:We're here to stop you. Rouge:Let's see what you got. Shadow:These Creatures Lose here. Eevee:Charge! They began fighting 3 vs 5 Eevee started with Swift on Amy while Chespin backed her up with Pin Missile. Bunnelby Double Slapped Shadow while Pancham finishes off with Dark Pulse. Finally Pikachu Defeated Rouge with Thunderbolt. Team Eevee wins. Eevee:We won! Chespin:Alright. Others:Yeah! Then Team Sonic Rescued them to the Mario Bros house. Sonic:You what? Eevee:Yeah it was 5 on 3. Knuckles:Man you guys are tough for something so small. Chespin:They were no problem. Sonic:But He would have gone super & Killed you all. Eevee:He only has one Chaos Emerald. Sonic:That's all he needed to go super. Knuckles:They don't call him the ultimate lifeform for nothing. Pancham:That's true. Bunnelby:But we won though. Sonic:for now. Pokémon:Huh? Sonic:I'm Gonna be the next to fight Shadow. Eevee:Ok.…

Pokemon XY & Mega Sonic Bros af episode 1 New Heroes

Pokemon XY & Mega Sonic Bros af episode 1 New Heroes

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Chespin Eevee Bunnelby Piplup & Oshowatt Pikachu Pancham ended up in another dimension with Talking animals & Killing Machines. Chespin:Where are we? Pancham:No Idea. Pikachu:This isn't right. Bunnelby:This world isn't ours. Eevee:Agree. Piplup & Oshowatt:No way! Then Mecha Sonic Shadow & Knuckles appear. Mecha Sonic:Hear me Creatures. Give us the Emeralds & We'll spare you. Pokémon:Never! Mechas:So be it. Then they started fighting. Eevee Uses her Iron Tail on the Mecha while The others finish them off. Thus Returning them for upgrades. Mario said thanks to all of them & Introduced them to the others. Pokémon:Nice to see you too. Sonic:I'm sonic. Chespin:I'm Chespin. Eevee:I'm Eevee. Bunnelby:I'm Bunnelby. Pikachu:I'm Pikachu. Oshowatt:I'm Oshowatt. Piplup:I'm Piplup. After everyone introduced themselves they went in to Peach's Castle to drink some tea. Sonic:We could use these guys. Tails:They are really good friends. Knuckles:Agreed. Sonic:Welcome to our team guys! Pokémon:Yeah!…

Pokemon XYZ episode 2 Hunter J

Pokemon XYZ episode 2 Hunter J

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Hunter J Was above us he landed on the ground without a Salamance because he had no use for it. J:You hand over that Chespin now! I Held out my hand to Chespin signaling him to back off. Me:No. J:Very Well! J sent out Zygarde. Me:Dammit what am I supposed to do? Ash:That's Zygarde? Bonnie:It's so strong. Clemont:We have no chance against it. Serena:Impossible. Me:(Even my Eevee might be killed for this matter. I just caught him too.) Me:Let's Retreat. All:Right! I picked up My Chespin holding him to my chest & Ran as fast as we could Until Chespin said he wanted to battle. Me:You Don't Understand. This is the ledgendary pokémon of the Kalos Region. Besides I don't want you to get killed out there. Chespin Shook his head yes as a sign of understanding. Me:Let's get out of here. We ran until We hit A safe place from J. Me:I am so hungry. Clemont made some delicious spaghetti. Serena made Macorons for dessert they were delicious. Then it was night so we camped. I slept in a tent.…

Pokemon XYZ episode 1 My Friend Chespin

Pokemon XYZ episode 1 My Friend Chespin

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I only had one Pokémon Chespin. He was my best friend We were very close. I loved him very much. His attacks are Tackle Pin Missile Seed Bomb & Vine Whip. He had pretty decent moves I was only 10 & Received a Chespin as my starter & Now I was with Ash Clemont Serena & Bonnie. Me:Well this is it. My Chespin:Chespin! Me:I see. Wait. Ash:What? Me:Shh. I hear something. I spotted an Eevee pretty rare in the wild & only wanted me to catch him. I caught him & was on my way. Now I have a friend to keep Chespin Company. What was after me was a pokémon hunter & He was after my friend Chespin. The Hunter appeared his name:J. He wants to take my Chespin for Experiments & I won't let him do that to my best friend. No way I'm not going to give him to a Hunter. Zygarde was on his team if J would have the Pokémon to defeat my Pokémon it's Zygarde. It's moves are Land's Wrath Dragon Pulse Extremespeed & Dragon Breath. The Zygarde was at 50% it was not at full power but it was still threatening.…

Pokemon XY Episode 2 Pokémon & Digimon Part 2

Pokemon XY Episode 2 Pokémon & Digimon Part 2

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After Recruiting All their friends they decided to take down the Dark Towers they were 50 in total. Chespin:Pin Missile! Eevee:Swift! Pikachu:Electro Ball! Bunnelby:Mud Shot! Pancham:Dark Pulse! Piplup:Bubblebeam! Oshowatt:Hydro Pump! The Digimon helped too. Chespin:We did it! Pikachu:Alright! Pancham:We made it! Bunnelby:Yes! Eevee:Yeah! Digimon:Yeah! However one of them was a Digimon. Metal Greymon dark form. Metal Greymon:Giga Blaster! He aimed them at Chespin He crashed into through 3 trees & Landed on the ground. Chespin struggles to get up but he was too weak. All:Chespin! Pikachu:Why You! Chespin:You Don't Understand this is a Digimon at an Ultimate level. You cannot beat him. Seadramon uses a fire attack on Chespin injuring him. Leaving him Unconscious. Chespin:Gets up due to his ability. Pikachu:That's Overgrow! Agumon:Whenever he is injured, his Grass Type moves rise Drastically. Chespin:Seed Bomb! He aims the explosive seeds at Metal Greymon defeating him.…

Pokemon XY Episode 1 Pokemon & Digimon Part 1

Pokemon XY Episode 1 Pokemon & Digimon Part 1

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Chespin went to a dimension way different from his world into a grass field Chespin:Let me guess You're a Digimon? Koromon:Yeah this is our world. Chespin stands up. Chespin:Cool. Then... Koromon:Look out! Chespin:That creature is after me. Chespin:Pin Missile! Chespin aims his attack at Kuagamon. Chespin:I did it! Agumon:Nice one. Patamon:You're good. Gatomon:Come to our side. Chespin:Ok. Then a second pokémon went in. ???:There you are! Chespin:Hey Bunnelby it is not my fault. Bunnelby:I know it's not. Bunnelby:C'mon let's go meet with the others. The others meet up. Pancham:Finally. Pikachu:Well well. Eevee:Where were you? Chespin:Making friends. Digimon:Hello. Pokémon:Hi. Eevee:So we partnered up with Digimon? Pikachu:Cool. Pancham:Sweet. Bunnelby:Nice. Chespin:Right? Agumon:Yeah let's get out of here. Then they made it to the Sinnoh Region. Piplup:Who are those guys? Chimchar:They are Digimon. Piplup:I see. At the Unova Region... Oshowatt:Digimon? Chespin:Yeah. Oshowatt:Ok.…

Pokemon XYZ & Lab Rats episode 1 Suicide Mission:Eevee vs Pokémon Killer

Pokemon XYZ & Lab Rats episode 1 Suicide Mission:Eevee vs Pokémon Killer

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Eevee goes on a mission to stop someone but earlier today... Chase:Guys Check it out. Chase shows Bree & Adam the video of Eevee Against an unknown Killer. Bree:Who is that? Adam:& Why is he holding a gun & Knife? Then the video showed that the killer Just went Eevee by Shooting her only way out & Stab her thus Killing her the last thing she saw were Adam Bree & Chase Then sinking into a pool of her own blood. She Shed a tear crying for Adam Bree & Chase Eevee:Adam.....Bree.....Chase.....It hurts.....It really hurts..... Then thrown into a pool of her own blood. Then the video ended. Chase:Oh my god! Bree:How could they do such a thing to her? Adam:Ok that was brutal. Davenport:I just saw How awful to kill such a Young creature as our Eevee. Tasha:I didn't know such a thing could happen. Chase:hold on I'll get her location. Then they got it. Chase:Oh no. Bree:What? Adam:Don't tell me. Chase:Yeah she's at her final resting place. Blood Forest. Bree:Let's go. Chase:Wait for us Eevee.…