Undercover (Boyxboy)

Undercover (Boyxboy)

719,722 28,113 27

My heart pulsated through my chest and I didn't think I could hold on for much longer. The frightening, terrorising feeling of his fingers slipping through mine was causing the arm that was gripping to the edge of the cliff to shake."Hold on, Harry! I've got you, I swear! Please, just hold on!" my voice held a shrill of terror to it and my eyes were filling with tears; tears of pain, frustration and sheer horror. Harry moved his gaze from our slipping fingers to my eyes. "It's okay, Ethan. Let go. You can't save me; not this time." I hated how calm his tone was. I hated how defeated he sounded. He had never given up - we always held hope for one another! We never gave up. "Don't you say that to me! Don't you fucking say that to me!" I roared, a small sob escaping my lips. Harry just smiled sadly, his muscular, beautiful body swaying in the harsh wind. The fall was so big; he would surely die of a heart attack before he hit the ground. I prayed to God he would.No. I was breaking my own rule; I would not give up on him. Either both of us lived or neither of us would. My life would be over the second his ended, anyway.…

Unexpected Love (Boyxboy)

Unexpected Love (Boyxboy)

594,668 19,991 17

Damon Matthews has it all. He's the most popular guy at school, has a hot girlfriend and has some of the best friends a guy could have.One friend stands out to him in particular, however.Meet Shane Flynn. The best friend of future prom king Damon. These two have been inseparable since they were five years old and always have each others backs.But what happens when lines are crossed? What happens when feelings develop between two best friends who are doing everything they can to hide it?…



177 3 2

Things I, Carla Moore, want to accomplish by the end of the summer: 1. Read a book a week. I want to be well-informed on the classics before University in September – knowledge is power, after all.2. Save at least $2000 over the summer. 3. Get a boyfriend – preferably Victor Jones, God’s gift to us mere peasants. 4. Have the best summer ever with Lilly, Belle and Ash.5. Lose two stone. (Two and a half if Kit Kat’s stop being so delicious.)Carla Moore (or Carla Moo, as they called her in primary school) has three months to accomplish The List. Five things that are essential before she embarks on the biggest journey of her life: University. Things aren’t as simple as they seem though when Carla’s personal life is thrown into turmoil, her life-long battle with her weight-issues dictate her personal and social life and she finds herself unable to stop thinking about her life-long best friend who just so happens to have a girlfriend...…

Guard my Heart (ON HOLD)

Guard my Heart (ON HOLD)

10,758 413 12

Luce Fallon has had a tough life. At the age of twenty-one, she has lost her best friend, whom she had been in love with, and her parents in the space of five years. All were tragic car accidents. She has been damaged severely and only wants to die and be with those she loves. Sitting in a motel room with only a whiskey bottle and gun to accompany her, she decides to choose her own fate and be with her parents and her beloved Noah again. But before she can lift the gun to her head, men in black suits are rushing into her room with bigger guns of their own, telling her that her safety is at risk and she must be taken to a secure location.Everything Luce thought she knew is questioned; her entire life taking a horrific turn. And when a man with familiar chocolate brown eyes is designated as her bodyguard, she knows that everything is not as it seems.…