Deal With A Devil

Deal With A Devil

1,043 6 1

|Description| Being from the postwar backwoods towns, Arvin Russell has had trauma and sin passed down to him by his father. He must now fight to protect his loved ones from corrupted and sinister characters that reside in said towns. But he isn't all alone. The girl who had his heart since day one is more than willing to sacrifice her own perfect future to help his present.(Warning, I'll try to fix any mistakes right away, but please have some understanding if I miss a few.)Also, I DO NOT own pictures or anything else in the book. Thank you, and enjoy!…

Sign Of Death

Sign Of Death

37 0 1

Being part of the games was never her intention. However, after a certain obligation, Belladonna is forced to enter the Hunger Games. After much pain, she wins. Five years later, she still goes to the Capitol with her childhood friend Finnick to help the two new kids chosen from their home district in the games. Things shift when Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark unintentionally start brewing a revolt against the Capitol.(Suzanne Collins wrote these wonderful books, and I do not take any credit from her. Please read the books, not just watch the movies.)…



870 34 6

In an alternative universe, Caspian is raised by his uncle and (Y/N) takes his place in the Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian storyline. Read to find out what changes when Caspian is a cruel king.(C.S. Lewis's work that I'm just having creative fun with)(Published: 08/20/22)…

Untamed Sea- Book Two (Sequel To Unknown World)

Untamed Sea- Book Two (Sequel To Unknown World)

357 5 9

Four years have passed since Unknown World...a lot of changes have happened with everyone..They discover this when on their course to recover the seven missing lords, Gianna and Caspian are reunited with the two youngest Pevensie siblings, their cousin, along with her sister and nephew. (I STILL DON'T OWN NARNIA)(Published: 03/30/22)…

Unknown World- Book One

Unknown World- Book One

1,999 59 16

Both princesses from Crinidad went to run away until suddenly they ended up in Narnia. Immediately, the two meet the Pevensie siblings, who are going to take them along on a journey to restore peace.(NARNIA IS NOT MY PROPERTY! DON'T SUE ME PLEASE!)#1 Rankings: #princecaspian: 03/17/2022(Published: 01-31-22)(Finished: 02/22/22)(Epilogues: 02/28/22)…

{Magical Life} {READER X JACK}

{Magical Life} {READER X JACK}

7,822 167 15

What if Mary Poppins was part of the Wizarding World?(Y/N) was Kate Banks older sister and moved into her brother in-law's home about a year later to be closer to the only family she has left. When Mary Poppins arrives to help the Banks family to save their home, (Y/N) goes along for the adventure with the kids and Jack.{Rankings}{#1: manuel} {01-05-2022}{#1: jackthelamplighter} {01-17-2022} {01-28-2022} {02/13/2022} {02/28/22} {05/27/22} {07/18/22}{#1: marypoppinsreturns} {02-06-2022} {02/13/2022} {02/28/22} {07/18/22}{#1: marypoppins} {02/21/22} {03/09/22} {04/4/22} {04/15/22} {07/18/22}{DISNEY OWNS THIS MOVIE AND IT'S CHARACTERS!}{Published: 12/1/21}{Completed: 12/27/21}…



83 2 2

Accompanied by her two older cousins, Selena returns to Hogwarts after a year away in America and arrives during Harry Potters' second year. She must maneuver around Hogwarts to help new and old friends, as well as family.Released on: Oct. 1st, 2023(Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling and Warner Brothers Studios) (I don't know anything except for a waffle maker)…

Family Chat

Family Chat

91 4 3

We met thanks to smut.If you happen to be from Maze Runner Smut and saw our comments, you are more then welcome to join this family. Of course we're excepting of everyone and anyone. (Unless you're homophobic and racist, then you're not going to really be liked here.)…

Hamilton One Shots (Ham Ham One Shots)

Hamilton One Shots (Ham Ham One Shots)

352 21 14

These are Hamilton ships that seem fun and interesting to write and read. Open to suggestions side note. Yeah, so enjoy. I also own none if these pictures, but props to the artist. I can't find out who they are, but maybe they can find me.I'm a robot that doesn't know feelings. Please understand this as you read.A special thanks to Lin-Manuel Miranda to writing Hamilton! He is god!…