You're His Favorite Joke

You're His Favorite Joke

67,566 2,753 45

You've gotta watch out for the quiet ones and they hardly come quieter than shy but pretty Harleen Quinzel. New to Gotham City, the fledgling psychiatrist is starting her career by assessing new intakes at the infamous Blackgate Prison, a place so dangerous and ugly it makes the rest of Gotham look like a garden in springtime. Clashing immediately with the head doctor, Joan Leland, doesn't help. Let's face it-there's very little in her life to make her smile, let alone laugh. However, on the upside, she is starting to meet people. There's her new neighbor, Slade Wilson, a handsome and mysterious older man-and he finds her just as attractive. Although they definitely have chemistry, he is kind of lacking in the sense of humor department-and then he's also so secretive about his profession.Then on Christmas Day, like the best present ever, she meets someone new. Someone who makes her laugh. Someone who really cracks open her shell and brings her out of the grey, dismal mood it seems she's been in forever. So he's not conventionally handsome, with his green hair and his really, really pale complexion-what does that matter? He's got a wonderful sense of humor, he makes her pulse race, and is he ever a stylish dresser.Only problem is, he's a new intake and a probable mass murderer. Is this some kind of a joke life's playing on her? And how can she believe he's serious? And then there's Slade, who is not the kind to give up easily. He's been away, busy with a squad with suicidal tendencies, but he promised to come back for her.…

This is for him

This is for him

438 11 1

Her gaze is one of a murderer. She just doesn't know it yet.…

Your Greatest Failure

Your Greatest Failure

1,155 31 8

~Spin off of You're his Favorite Joke~After suffering a year of torment, Jason Todd was killed. But that was not enough to stop him. Being resurrected by Talia Al Ghul, he is trained in the the way of the assassin. Once he is able to control the burning rage inside him, he is assigned, by the demon, to kill the man he used to trust. Kill the man who left him for dead. Kill the man who failed him.Jason will kill The Batman.…

Rorschach: No Redemption

Rorschach: No Redemption

376 14 1

After reading Robert Frost's Fire and Ice, Rorschach contemplates which death is befitting for a world filled with vermin.…

A Dragon's Tradition

A Dragon's Tradition

580 16 1

Daenerys Targaryen, the Mother of Dragons, has fire in her veins and fire is power. After the long war of reclaiming what was stolen from her, she stands in front of her birth right--The Iron Throne.But will the silver headed Queen sit upon it or will she fall into the Dragon's tradition?…