Shifting Soundly

Shifting Soundly

6,229 441 31

I don't know what or who to believe anymore. Weird things have been happening lately. I'm in a town that seemed just like any other on paper - except for the lack of movement in or out - but in reality was anything but that.Blake White has caught my eye since day one. He is different than others I have met before. Something about him is begging to be discovered. ***Ranked 778 on 5/25/17***_______Any media content used in the story I do not own or have rights to. They go to the owner of the media unless specified.…

The Moon's Fate

The Moon's Fate

437 27 4

Five years today. I have been running for five years. Never staying too long in one place for fear of who is watching. I try to stay in human territory, but occasionally cross onto no mans land or even get to close to a pack. Things have been hard living as a rogue female, even though the title rouge would never fit me in a million years. I was born to rank high in a pack, the daughter of an alpha.…