Ranch Connections - Tate Dutton / Yellowstone
Rip pushed the boy towards the stables, and the only thing Connie could do was follow. "No. No, I got a different job for you little girl." Rip grabbed her by the straps of her backpack and yanked her back.Connie looked at the man in wonder. If he didn't want her cleaning up horse shit with her brother, what did he want her to do?"Well, what's my job then?" Rip took off his sunglasses and rubbed his face, he wasn't entirely sure if this was a good idea. He didn't know the girl, and to be fair, her and her brother did just puppy dog his lady in to asking for them to stay. But she seemed like the better one of the two, or maybe that was because she was younger. "There's a kid up in the lodge. He's around your age. Hasn't come out the house in a while, your job is to get him out."The girl looked at him with wide eyes. She was not a people person, or well, a kid person. She's never had friends her own age besides her brother. She wasn't good around other people, they get offended to easily and she was usually the one offending them.She let out a sigh, if she wanted her brother to be able to stay here she would just have to suck it up and put on her big girl pants."Lead the way then I guess."…